首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >Two new species of Pupulina van Beneden, 1892 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) from mobulid rays off South Africa

Two new species of Pupulina van Beneden, 1892 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) from mobulid rays off South Africa

机译:1892年,来自南非的虫rays产生了两个新种的up(Pupulina van Beneden)(Co足类:虹吸目::科)

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The caligid genus Pupulina van Beneden, 1892 currently has three accepted species. Two new species, Pupulina cliffi n. sp. and P. merira n. sp., are described from Mobula kuhlii (Muller & Henle) and M. eregoodootenkee (Bleeker) (Mobulidae) caught along the east coast of South Africa. Pupulina cliffi can be distinguished from all the other species by the absence of posterolateral processes on the genital complex, whereas P. merira has very short, rounded posterolateral processes on the genital complex compared to the three previously known species. Additionally, P. merira is the only species with the abdomen only about two-thirds the length of the genital complex and the caudal rami about the same length as the abdomen. A dichotomous key to distinguish the five species of Pupulina is provided.
机译:892属Pupulina van Beneden,1892年目前有3个公认的物种。两种新种,普普利纳悬崖。 sp。和P. merira n。 ,描述于南非东海岸捕获的Mobula kuhlii(Muller&Henle)和M. eregoodootenkee(Bleeker)(Mobulidae)。生殖器复合体上不存在后外侧突,因此可以将普普利纳悬崖与所有其他物种区分开来,而与三个先前已知的物种相比,美利坚体育体在生殖器复合体上具有非常短的圆形后外侧突。此外,P。merira是唯一的腹部,其腹部的长度仅约为生殖器复合体长度的三分之二,而尾部拉米的长度与腹部的长度相同。提供了用于区分五种普普林纳的二分法键。




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