首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >Gyrodactylus pictae n. sp. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from the Trinidadian swamp guppy Poecilia picta Regan, with a discussion on species of Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 and their poeciliid hosts

Gyrodactylus pictae n. sp. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from the Trinidadian swamp guppy Poecilia picta Regan, with a discussion on species of Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 and their poeciliid hosts

机译:灵芝sp。特立尼达沼泽孔雀鱼Poecilia picta Regan的(Monogenea:Gyrodactylidae),并讨论了1832年的Gyrodactylus von Nordmann的物种和它们的粉虱宿主

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Gyrodactylus pictae n. sp. is recorded from Poecilia picta in heterospecific shoals with the guppy P. reticulata in Northern Trinidad. G. pictae is morphologically similar to G. turnbulli Harris, 1986, but the hamuli and marginal hooks are slightly smaller and more gracile. The toe and the point of the marginal hook have a distinctly different shape, providing the best morphological characters for distinguishing the two species. The rDNA ITS1 and ITS2 sequences differ from those of G. turnbulli (the closest relative) by >5, suggesting that these two taxa are not sibling species. The origin of the two species on poeciliids of the subgenus Micropoecilia is discussed, and it is suggested that this may represent a case of host-parasite co-evolution.
机译:灵芝sp。特立尼达北部的孔雀石斑鱼(P. reticulata)在异种浅滩中被记录自Poecilia picta。象牙形变种在形态上类似于特恩布尔利·哈里斯(1986),但the形钩和边缘钩稍小些,并且较柔软。脚趾的边缘和尖端具有明显不同的形状,为区分这两个物种提供了最佳的形态特征。 rDNA ITS1和ITS2序列与Turnbulli G. Turnbulli(最接近的亲缘关系)的序列差异> 5,表明这两个类群不是同胞物种。讨论了这两个物种在微孢子虫亚属的孢子虫上的起源,并暗示这可能代表了宿主-寄生虫共同进化的情况。



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