首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >Monocotylids (Monogenea: Monopisthocotylea) from Aetobatus cf. narinari off New Caledonia, with a description of Decacotyle elpora n. sp

Monocotylids (Monogenea: Monopisthocotylea) from Aetobatus cf. narinari off New Caledonia, with a description of Decacotyle elpora n. sp

机译:Aetobatus的单子叶植物(Monogenea:Monopisthocotylea)。纳里纳里(Narinari),位于新喀里多尼亚(New Caledonia)附近,描述为Decacotyle elpora SP

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Four species of monocotylid monogeneans were found on a spotted eagle ray Aetobatus cf. narinari caught off Noumea, New Caledonia, South Pacific. The host is illustrated for future possible identification, because it belongs to a currently unresolved species complex. Decacotyle octona (Young, 1967) Chisholm & Whittington, 1998, from the secondary gill lamellae, is figured and previously unreported details of the reproductive system are described. D. elpora n. sp. is described from numerous specimens found between the secondary gill lamellae. The new species, 7801650 mum in body length, is smaller than D. octona, but has a longer sclerotised male copulatory organ. It is characterised by two dorsal haptoral accessory structures, each with three bumps, and a 9-shaped sclerotised male copulatory organ 240290 mum in length. D. octona and Clemacotyle australis Young, 1967, both from the branchial cavity, and Thaumatocotyle pseudodasybatis Hargis, 1955, from the nasal tissue, are new geographical records for New Caledonia. It is suggested that differences in the monocotylid fauna between the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific forms of Aetobatus cf. narinari could be of interest for the systematic status of the ray, but the sporadic nature of the sampling probably casts doubt on the usefulness of the currently available data.
机译:在斑点鹰Aetobatus cf.上发现了四种单子叶单基因型。纳里纳里(Narinari)在南太平洋新喀里多尼亚的努美阿(Noumea)遇难。对宿主进行了说明,以备将来识别,因为它属于目前尚未解决的物种复合体。从次生片中提取出十足十足虫的十足虫(年轻,1967年),奇索姆和惠廷顿,1998年,并描述了以前未报道的生殖系统细节。 D.埃尔波拉sp。从在次生ill片之间发现的许多标本中可以看到“”。该新物种的体长为7801650,比八角形小龙虾要小,但具有更长的硬核雄性交配器官。它的特征是两个背侧附件结构,每个都有三个隆起,以及一个9字形的硬化的男性交器官,长度为240290微米。来自Cal腔的D. octona和Clemacotyle australis Young(1967年)以及来自鼻组织的Thaumatocotyle pseudodasybatis Hargis(1955年)都是新喀里多尼亚的新地理记录。有人认为,大西洋和印度太平洋Aetobatus cf.的单子叶动物区系的差异。纳里纳里(Narinari)可能对射线的系统状态感兴趣,但是采样的零星性质可能使人们对当前可用数据的有用性产生怀疑。



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