首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Parasitology >Notocotylus biomphalariae n. sp. (Digenea: Notocotylidae)from Biomphalaria peregrina (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Patagonia, Argentina

Notocotylus biomphalariae n. sp. (Digenea: Notocotylidae)from Biomphalaria peregrina (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Patagonia, Argentina

机译:伯氏线虫菌。 sp。 (Digenea:Notocotylidae)来自阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的Biomphalaria peregrina(Gastropoda:Pulmonata)

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A new species of Notocotylus was found parasiting a freshwater pulmonate snail, Biomphalaria peregrina. Naturally infected snails were collected from two temporary ponds in the Nahuel Huapi National Park in Patagonia. The characteristics of the larval stages are presented. Experimental adults were recovered from the intestinal caeca of ducks and chicks. Adults of Notocotylus biomphalariae n. sp. exhibit an aspinose tegument, two lateral rows of 11 ventral glands and a median row of four, a uterus with 12-16 coils of which 2-4 are previtelline, a metraterm equivalent in size to 65-68% of the cirrus-sac length, a previtelline field which extends to the middle of the body, a lobed testis and a genital pore closely posterior to the intestinal bifurcation. The rediae have one to three cercariae. The cercariae, when shed, are trioculate and have a long tail; they encyst in the environment and become infective 12 days after encystment.
机译:发现了一种新的Notocotylus寄生于淡水肺蜗牛(Biomphalaria peregrina)。从巴塔哥尼亚的纳韦尔·华皮国家公园的两个临时池塘收集了自然感染的蜗牛。介绍了幼虫阶段的特征。从鸭子和小鸡的肠道盲肠中回收实验成虫。成虫Notocotylus biomphalariae。 sp。表现出as状被皮,两个侧面排的11个腹腺和一个中间排的四个,一个子宫,子宫内有12-16个线圈,其中2-4个是前卵黄质,其间期大小相当于卷囊长度的65-68% ,是一个玻璃体前场,延伸到身体中部,一个小叶睾丸和一个靠近肠分叉的生殖器孔。重做有一到三个尾c。尾c脱落时,是三叉的,尾巴很长。它们包裹在环境中,并在包裹后12天被感染。



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