首页> 外文期刊>Soft computing: A fusion of foundations, methodologies and applications >An evolutionary algorithm to discover quantitative association rules in multidimensional time series

An evolutionary algorithm to discover quantitative association rules in multidimensional time series


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An evolutionary approach for finding existing relationships among several variables of a multidimensional time series is presented in this work. The proposed model to discover these relationships is based on quantitative association rules. This algorithm, called QARGA (Quantitative Association Rules by Genetic Algorithm), uses a particular codification of the individuals that allows solving two basic problems. First, it does not perform a previous attribute discretization and, second, it is not necessary to set which variables belong to the antecedent or consequent. Therefore, it may discover all underlying dependencies among different variables. To evaluate the proposed algorithm three experiments have been carried out. As initial step, several public datasets have been analyzed with the purpose of comparing with other existing evolutionary approaches. Also, the algorithm has been applied to synthetic time series (where the relationships are known) to analyze its potential for discovering rules in time series. Finally, a real-world multidimensional time series composed by several climatological variables has been considered. All the results show a remarkable performance of QARGA.



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