首页> 外文期刊>Soil Science Society of America Journal >Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen and Distribution of Carbon-13 and Nitrogen-15 in Aggregates of Everglades Histosols

Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen and Distribution of Carbon-13 and Nitrogen-15 in Aggregates of Everglades Histosols


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Oxidation of Histosols in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) of south Florida leads to decreases in soil depth, changes in biogeochemical properties, and may limit land use options in the future. The objectives of this study were to determine how long-term cultivation influences organic matter dynamics and C and N distribution throughout the profile of a drained Histosol. We measured organic C and N stocks, aggregation, and the natural abundance of delta13C and delta15N in aggregates from Histosols 100 yr after drainage for two land uses: sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) and prairie. Macroaggregates comprised the bulk of total soil for both land uses, averaging 81% of the total soil in fractions >0.25 mm. Macroaggregation increased with depth and the proportion to whole soil was 65% higher at 30 to 45 cm than 0 to 15 cm. Cultivated soil averaged 13% higher organic C, but 11% lower organic N than prairie throughout the profile (0-45 cm). The majority of the organic C (76%) and N stocks (77%) was in macroaggregate fractions >0.25 mm. The distribution of organic matter among aggregate-size fractions generally did not differ between land uses, except that organic C and N were 39 and 44%, respectively, greater for macroaggregates in prairie than cultivated soil at 0 to 15 cm. The delta15N decreased with depth for both land uses, indicating that organic matter was more decomposed and humified in surface soil (0-15 cm). The decrease with depth likely resulted from inundation of subsurface soils and low O2 levels, which subsequently lowered rates of decomposition. The delta13C decreased with depth for cultivated soil but increased for prairie, and was significantly higher for soil cropped to sugarcane (-25.37 per thousand) than prairie (-26.20 per thousand). Soil organic matter under cultivation was less humified than prairie soil due to recent C inputs from sugarcane. The 2-mm fraction had 12% lower delta15N than other fractions, indicating that recent organic matter inputs accumulated in macroaggregate fractions. Smaller aggregates contained higher delta15N and older organic matter. In contrast to most studies of mineral soils, cultivation of Histosols increased C storage relative to prairie, with the major difference between land use being higher soil organic matter levels in the subsurface (15-45 cm). Thus, cropping may reduce the rate of oxidation of Histosols in southern Florida relative to the prairie ecosystem.
机译:南佛罗里达大沼泽农业区(EAA)中组织溶胶的氧化导致土壤深度减少,生物地球化学性质的变化,并可能限制未来的土地使用选择。这项研究的目的是确定长期耕作如何影响有机质动力学以及整个流失的组织溶胶中碳和氮的分布。我们测量了两种土地利用排水后100年后,从组织溶胶中收集到的有机碳和氮素库,聚集以及聚集物中天然的delta13C和delta15N的天然丰度:甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum L.)和大草原。两种土地用途的大块骨料均占土壤总量的大部分,平均土壤总量中81%的含量大于0.25 mm。宏观聚集随着深度增加而增加,在30至45 cm处,整个土壤的比例比0至15 cm高65%。在整个剖面(0-45厘米)内,耕种土壤的有机碳平均比大草原高13%,但有机氮低11%。有机碳的大部分(占76%)和氮的储量(占77%)均以大于0.25毫米的大颗粒聚集。总体而言,不同土地用途之间骨料级分中有机物的分布没有差异,不同之处在于,大颗粒骨料中有机碳和氮分别为39%和44%,在0至15厘米处比耕作土壤大。两种土地利用的δ15N随深度的增加而降低,表明表层土壤(0-15厘米)中有机物更易分解和腐殖化。深度的减少可能是由于地下土壤被淹和低氧水平导致的,随后分解速度降低了。耕地土壤的δ13C随深度的增加而降低,而草原增加,而种植甘蔗的土壤(-25.37 /千)显着高于草原(-26.20 /千)。由于最近甘蔗中的碳输入,耕种的土壤有机质比草原土壤的腐殖化程度低。 2 mm的馏分的delta15N比其他馏分低12%,表明最近的有机质输入积累在大型聚集体馏分中。较小的聚集体含有较高的delta15N和较旧的有机质。与大多数矿物土壤研究相比,组织土壤的种植相对于草原而言增加了C的储存,土地利用之间的主要区别是地下土壤有机质含量较高(15-45厘米)。因此,相对于草原生态系统,种植可能会降低佛罗里达州南部的组织溶胶的氧化速率。



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