首页> 外文期刊>Sociobiology >Natural Biological Control of Ascia monuste by the Social Wasp Polybia ignobilis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Natural Biological Control of Ascia monuste by the Social Wasp Polybia ignobilis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

机译:社会黄蜂Polybia ignobilis(膜翅目:Vespidae)对Ascia monuste的自然生物控制。

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Predatory wasps are among the main components of food chains within ecosystems. Social wasp Polybia ignobilis (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) is found in South America and Ascia monuste orseis (Godart) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is an important Brassica pest in the Americas. Although the importance of predatory Vespidae is acknowledged, little is known about their activity as agents of biological control of insects. For this reason, this research aimed to study the natural biological control of A. monuste caterpillars by P. ignobilis and focused on the importance of P. ignobilis as a predator of A. monuste caterpillars. It also investigated the influence of weather on P. ignobilis foraging activity and the mechanisms that govern its predatory behavior. The main predator of A. monuste caterpillars was social wasp P. ignobilis, which predated caterpillars from the second to the fifth instar. More intense predatory activity by P. ignobilis occurred in periods of higher temperature (up to 29 deg C) andmaximum sunlight (around 5:30 h after sunrise). P. ignobilis foraging was not observed when rain or strong winds occurred. Predation of A. monuste caterpillars by P. ignobilis is complex and comprises three behavioral mechanisms.
机译:捕食性黄蜂是生态系统中食物链的主要组成部分。在南美洲发现了社会黄蜂Polybia ignobilis(Halday)(膜翅目:维斯皮科),而美洲的重要芸苔科害虫是Ascia monuste orseis(Godart)(鳞翅目:Pieridae)。尽管人们认识到捕食性小蜂的重要性,但对其作为昆虫的生物防治剂的活性知之甚少。出于这个原因,本研究旨在研究无性假单胞菌对自然毛虫的自然生物学控制,并侧重于无性假单胞菌作为天牛毛虫的捕食者的重要性。它也调查了天气对无性疟原虫觅食活动的影响以及控制其掠食行为的机制。 A. monuste毛虫的主要捕食者是社交黄蜂P. ignobilis,其早于第二龄到第五龄的毛虫。在较高温度(最高29摄氏度)和最大阳光照射(日出后约5:30 h)期间,无意识假单胞菌会发生更强烈的捕食活动。当下雨或大风时,没有观察到P. ignobilis觅食。 P. ignobilis捕食A. monuste毛虫很复杂,包括三种行为机制。



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