首页> 外文期刊>SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization >Primal-dual symmetric intrinsic methods for finding antiderivatives of cyclically monotone operators

Primal-dual symmetric intrinsic methods for finding antiderivatives of cyclically monotone operators


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A fundamental result due to Rockafellar states that every cyclically monotone operator A admits an antiderivative f in the sense that the graph of A is contained in the graph of the subdifferential operator partial derivative f. Given a method m that assigns every finite cyclically monotone operator A some antiderivative m(A), we say that the method is primal-dual symmetric if m applied to the inverse of A produces the Fenchel conjugate of mA. Rockafellar's antiderivatives do not possess this property. Utilizing Fitzpatrick functions and the proximal average, we present novel primal-dual symmetric intrinsic methods. The antiderivatives produced by these methods provide a solution to a problem posed by Rockafellar in 2005. The results leading to this solution are illustrated by various examples.
机译:由Rockafellar得出的基本结果表明,每个循环单调算子A都接受反导数f,因为A的图包含在次微分算子偏导数f的图中。给定一个为每个有限循环单调算子A分配一些反导数m(A)的方法m,我们说如果将m应用于A的逆可生成mA的Fenchel共轭,则该方法是原始对偶对称的。 Rockafellar的抗衍生物不具有此属性。利用菲茨帕特里克函数和近端平均值,我们提出了新颖的原始-对偶对称内在方法。通过这些方法生产的抗衍生物为洛克菲勒(Rockafellar)在2005年提出的问题提供了解决方案。通过各种示例说明了导致该解决方案的结果。



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