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Pediatric liver diseases


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Progress in recognizing and treating pediatric liver diseases has accelerated remarkably in the past decade. In part, this is attributable to newly available translational technologies, advances in the fields of genomics and immunology, innovations in stem cell biology, and expanding opportunities in organizing and financing multicenter clinical trials. In the United States, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) has funded several clinical consortia focusing on pediatric liver diseases, such as the Nonalcoholic Steatohe-patitis Clinical Research Network (NASH CRN), the Cholestatic Liver Disease Research and Education Network (ChiLDREN), the Pediatric Acute Liver Failure Network (PALFSG), and the Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network (DILIN). These networks have provided the patient volume and mix, perspective, talent, and finances needed to address significant problems in pediatric hepatology. The organization made possible by our professional societies further accelerates progress.
机译:在过去的十年中,认识和治疗小儿肝病的进展显着加快。在某种程度上,这归因于新近可用的翻译技术,基因组学和免疫学领域的进步,干细胞生物学的创新以及组织和资助多中心临床试验的机会的扩大。在美国,美国国家糖尿病,消化与肾脏疾病研究所(NIDDK)已资助了几个专注于小儿肝病的临床联盟,例如非酒精性脂肪性肝炎临床研究网络(NASH CRN),胆汁淤积性肝病研究和教育网络(ChiLDREN),小儿急性肝衰竭网络(PALFSG)和药物引起的肝损伤网络(DILIN)。这些网络提供了解决小儿肝病重大问题所需的患者数量和组合,观点,才能和财务。我们的专业协会促成的组织进一步加速了进步。



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