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Oil and Gas Lease: Receiver


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This suit by Fleetwood involves his efforts to challenge the validity of a Receiver Oil and Gas Lease owned by Chevron. Fleetwood argues that the older under which the receiver was appointed, and the subsequent lease interest sold to Chevron, is void. He asserts that the publication notice relied upon in the order is insufficient, fails to meet minimum due process standards, and is void for lack of subject matter jurisdiction because the plaintiff in the suit in which the order was issued failed to plead and prove a necessary element required by 52 Okla. Stat. § 522(a) (5) (i.e., that the plaintiff had acquired or had good reason to believe that he could acquire operating rights covering all mineral interests other man the interest of the defendants in the subject tract or tracts). In response, Chevron argues that the receivership is not void because the judgment roll for that proceeding establishes that the trial court had jurisdiction and that due process requirements were met, and that Fleetwood's action was filed outside the time allowed under 12 Okla. Stat. § 1031 and 1038 for challenging such proceedings. It further argues that Fleetwood's suit is an improper collateral attack on the order. The trial court rules against Fleetwood and finds mat any interest Fleetwood might have owned is subject to Chevron's lease. Held: affirmed. The Court of Appeals disagrees with the contention mat the judgment roll from the underlying lawsuit was tainted by a fatal defect because it failed to affirmatively show what active and diligent efforts were undertaken regarding service of process in the earlier proceedings. Where the record is silent upon the subject, it must be presumed to be in support of the proceedings that the court inquired into and found the existence of facts authorizing it to render the judgment which it has entered.
机译:弗利特伍德(Fleetwood)的这件诉讼涉及他的工作,以挑战雪佛龙(Chevron)拥有的接管方石油和天然气租赁的有效性。弗利特伍德(Fleetwood)辩称,任命接管人的年龄较大,以及随后出售给雪佛龙(Chevron)的租赁权益,都是无效的。他声称,订单中依赖的发布通知不足,不符合最低正当程序标准,并且由于缺乏标的物管辖权而无效,因为发出订单的诉讼中的原告没有提出辩护并证明没有必要52 Okla Stat要求的元素。 §522(a)(5)(即,原告已经获得或有充分理由相信他可以取得涵盖他人所有矿产权益的经营权,也符合被告在该主题领域的利益)。作为回应,雪佛龙(Chevron)辩称,接管权并不无效,因为对该程序的判决书确定了初审法院具有管辖权且已满足正当程序要求,并且弗利特伍德的诉讼是在《俄克拉荷马州立大学法令》第12条所允许的时间之外提起的。第1031和1038条,对此类程序提出异议。它还进一步认为,弗利特伍德的诉讼是对该订单的不当附带攻击。初审法院对弗利特伍德作出裁定,裁定弗利特伍德可能拥有的任何权益均需受雪佛龙公司的租约约束。举行:肯定。上诉法院不同意这一争端,因为该诉讼的判决书被致命的缺陷所污损,因为它不能肯定地表明在较早的诉讼中针对送达程序采取了哪些积极而勤奋的努力。如果记录中未提及该主题,则必须假定该记录支持法院调查的程序,并发现存在授权其作出判决的事实。



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