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It would be difficult to find a more emotionally and historically charged capital project than the restoration of the Leach Pottery. After looking at the real prospect of its physical collapse some six years ago, the specially convened Bernard Leach (St Ives) Trust, under the inspired leadership of Lady Carol Holland, has led a remarkable turnaround in the fortunes not only of the historic property and buildings, but also in the wider, contemporary opportunities presented by the site. The vision for the site - crucially - was both reflective and forward-looking. This combination of forces has saved the project from the 'merely' iconic genuflection to the past as represented by the all-consuming figure of Bernard Leach. There are new Leach narratives to tell in time here, too. The Trust formulated a convincing set of objectives and these in turn struck chords with funders: the local authorities were convinced by the arguments of cultural tourism; the Heritage Lottery Fund could see the unrivalled historic purposes of the 1920s pottery at the heart of the site; Arts Council England could support the development of new ceramic production and University College Falmouth understood the potential for teaching and learning. Finally the European Regional Development Fund supported the cause of economic development.
机译:要找到一个比修复陶器更富感情和历史意义的基本工程,这将是困难的。在看了六年前自然崩溃的真正前景之后,在卡罗尔·霍兰夫人的启发下,特别召集的伯纳德·里奇(圣艾夫斯)信托基金不仅在历史遗产和建筑物,而且在网站提供的更广泛的当代机会中。至关重要的是,该网站的愿景既具有反思性又具有前瞻性。这种综合力量使该项目从“仅仅”标志性的生产中挽救了过去,这一点由全力以赴的伯纳德·里奇(Bernard Leach)代表。这里也有新的Leach叙述可以及时讲述。基金会制定了一套令人信服的目标,而这些目标反过来又与资助者产生了共鸣:地方当局对文化旅游的论点深信不疑;遗产彩票基金会可以在遗址中心看到1920年代陶器无与伦比的历史目的;英格兰艺术委员会可以支持新型陶瓷产品的开发,法尔茅斯大学学院了解教学的潜力。最后,欧洲区域发展基金会支持了经济发展事业。



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