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Fault delineation study using soil-gas method in the Dharamsala area, NW Himalayas, India


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Soil-gas activity in the vicinity of neotectonic fault zones within the Dharamsala area in the region of the NW Himalayas, India, has been investigated by determining enhanced concentration values of radon and helium in the soil, using an ionization chamber and an ASM 100 HDS (Alcatel), respectively. A geological map of the area was used for site selection and to locate the predicted courses of faults. Elevated levels of radon and helium in the soil gas were found along a profile of a major fault (MBT-2). Radon shows variation not only due to the tectonic structures but also due to change in lithology. Helium and radon anomalies together show that apart from conspicuous thrust MBT-2, the area under study SU cut across by the N-S transverse faults/lineaments.
机译:通过使用电离室和ASM 100 HDS确定土壤中ra和氦的浓度增加值,对印度西北部喜马拉雅山地区达兰萨拉地区新构造断裂带附近的土壤气活动进行了研究。 (阿尔卡特)。该地区的地质图用于选址并确定断层的预测路线。在一个主要断层(MBT-2)的剖面上发现了土壤气体中ra和氦的含量升高。 on不仅由于构造构造而变化,而且由于岩性变化而变化。氦气和ra气异常共同表明,除了明显的MBT-2逆冲推力外,研究区域SU还被N-S横向断层/构造所切开。



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