首页> 外文期刊>Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries >The diet of pygmy sperm whales, Kogia breviceps, stranded in New Zealand: implications for conservation

The diet of pygmy sperm whales, Kogia breviceps, stranded in New Zealand: implications for conservation

机译:滞留在新西兰的侏儒抹香鲸的饮食:Kogia breviceps:对保护的影响

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The stomach contents of 27 pygmy sperm whales, iKogia breviceps, stranded on New Zealand beaches between 1991 and 2003 are reported. These individuals comprise 16 males, 10 females, and one for which no sex information is available. The diet was found to include fish and crustaceans, but is comprised primarily of cephalopods, with 0-526 lower beaks, representing an estimated maximum of ic. 60 kg of cephalopod prey consumed by any one whale. Cephalopod prey is attributed to 23 species from 13 families, and is dominated by juvenile individuals of the families Histioteuthididae and Cranchiidae (adults of which usually occur at depths exceeding 400 m). Perceived threats to this whale, particularly those affecting distribution and abundance of prey species, are also discussed. These are the first data reporting the diet of this whale species in New Zealand waters. A comparison of the diet of iK. breviceps is made with that of the sperm whale, iPhyseter macrocephalus from New Zealand waters, and with the diet of iKogia known elsewhere.
机译:据报道,1991年至2003年之间,搁浅在新西兰海滩上的27头侏儒抹香鲸iKogia breviceps的胃内容物。这些人包括16位男性,10位女性,其中一位没有性别信息。发现该饮食包括鱼类和甲壳类,但主要由头足类组成,喙低0-526,代表估计的最大ic。任何一只鲸鱼消耗60千克头足类猎物。头足类猎物被归为来自13个科的23个物种,并且主要由Histioteuthididae和Cranchiidae科(其成年通常在超过400 m的深度处)的未成年个体控制。还讨论了对这头鲸的感知威胁,特别是那些影响猎物分布和丰富度的威胁。这些是报道新西兰海域这种鲸鱼种类饮食的第一批数据。 iK饮食的比较。 breviceps是用来自新西兰水域的抹香鲸iPhyseter macrocephalus以及其他地方已知的iKogia饮食制成的。



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