首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >Geochemical and isotopic studies of the Lady of the Lake Intrusion and associated tobacco root Batholith: Constraints on the genetic relation between Cretaceous mafic and silicic magmatism in Southwestern Montana

Geochemical and isotopic studies of the Lady of the Lake Intrusion and associated tobacco root Batholith: Constraints on the genetic relation between Cretaceous mafic and silicic magmatism in Southwestern Montana


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Small volumes of alkalic mafic intrusions are spatially associated with Cretaceous to Early Tertiary granodioritic to granitic intrusions in the batholithic province of southwestern Montana. The mafic rocks generally occur near the contacts of the Boulder, Pioneer, and Tobacco Root Batholiths with country rocks, but their genetic relation with the batholiths is uncertain. The Lady of the Lake Intrusion is a small layered body composed of melagabbro and gabbro that occurs along the south-central margin of the Tobacco Root Batholith near its contact with Archean country rocks. A diorite unit, spatially distinct from the granodiorite/ quartz monzonite of the Batholith intrudes the gabbroic rocks of the Lady of the Lake Intrusion. Zircon crystals from the melagabbro and diorite units give U-Pb ages that are very similar to that of the Tobacco Root Batholith at 74.88 ± 0.17 Ma and 76.24 ± 0.08 Ma, respectively. Mineral chemistry, whole rock major and trace element compositions, and oxygen and sulfur isotope ratios have been utilized to evaluate the genetic relation between the Lady of the Lake Intrusion, the diorite, and the Tobacco Root Batholith. No significant variation in the composition of clinopyroxene is observed in different rock units of the Lady of the Lake Intrusion. Minor olivine with Fo_(64) in the melagabbro unit is interpreted to represent early crystallization in the base of the intrusion. Whole rock major and trace element compositions, as well as results from modeling using the MELTS program, are consistent with the premise that the diorite was produced by fractional crystallization of the same magma that was parental to the gabbros of the Lady of the Lake Intrusion. Both whole rock chemistry and oxygen isotopes support the interpretation that the parental magma was an uncontaminated mantle-derived basaltic magma. In contrast, trace element and oxygen isotopes indicate that the quartz monzonitic and granodioritic rocks of the Tobacco Root Batholith and the gabbroic rocks of the Lady of the Lake Intrusion are not related to the same parental magma. Elevated d~(18)O values of quartz (9-10‰) and feldspar (8-9‰) from the Batholith are consistent with an origin involving partial melting of Archean and Proterozoic country rocks that was initiated by heat supplied by basaltic magma, similar to that which was parental to the Lady of the Lake Intrusion. d~(34)S values of the melagabbro range from 0.1 to 0.7%°, and support the premise that the mantle-derived parental magma was uncontaminated. In contrast, d~(34)S values of the gabbro and diorite units are elevated (0.6 to 6.5%°), and indicate that assimilation of country rock S occurred, primarily via volatile transfer. Sulfur contents of the Lady of the Lake Intrusion are low (<1000 ppm) and no evidence suggests that S was transferred to crustal melts that produced the Tobacco Root Batholith.
机译:在蒙大拿州西南部的岩溶带中,少量的碱性镁铁质侵入体在空间上与白垩纪至早第三纪的花岗向花岗岩的侵入有关。镁铁质岩石通常发生在巨石,先锋石和烟草根基岩与乡村岩的接触附近,但它们与岩基的遗传关系尚不确定。入侵湖夫人是一个由melagabbro和gabbro组成的小层状体,出现在烟草根基岩的中南部边缘,靠近与Archean乡村岩石的接触。在空间上不同于基底岩的花岗闪长岩/石英蒙脱石的闪长岩单元侵入了入侵湖夫人的辉长岩。来自melagabbro和diorite单元的锆石晶体的U-Pb年龄分别与烟根基石的年龄相似,分别为74.88±0.17 Ma和76.24±0.08 Ma。矿物化学,整个岩石的主要元素和微量元素组成,以及氧和硫的同位素比率已被用于评估“入侵湖夫人”,闪长岩和烟草根基石之间的遗传关系。在入侵湖夫人的不同岩石单元中,未观察到斜生辉石成分的显着变化。 melagabbro单元中具有Fo_(64)的次橄榄石被解释为代表了侵入岩基底的早期结晶。整个岩石的主要元素和微量元素组成,以及使用MELTS程序建模得到的结果,都与以下前提一致:闪长岩是由同一岩浆的分步结晶产生的,而该岩浆是入侵湖夫人辉长岩的母体。整个岩石化学和氧同位素都支持这样的解释,即母岩浆是不受污染的地幔衍生的玄武岩浆。相反,微量元素和氧同位素表明,烟草根基的石英单晶和花岗二叠纪岩石以及入侵湖的辉长岩与同一母岩浆无关。来自基岩的石英(9-10‰)和长石(8-9‰)的d〜(18)O值升高与源自玄武岩浆热所引起的太古代和元古代乡村岩石部分熔融的起源一致,类似于入侵湖夫人的父母。 melagabbro的d〜(34)S值范围在0.1到0.7%°之间,并支持地幔衍生的父母岩浆不受污染的前提。相反,辉长岩和闪长岩单元的d〜(34)S值升高了(0.6%至6.5%°),表明乡村岩石S的同化作用主要是通过挥发性转移引起的。入侵湖女士的硫含量很低(<1000 ppm),没有证据表明硫被转移到了产生烟草根基岩溶质的地壳熔体中。



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