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Cardiac dysfunction in diabetes


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Diabetes is a complex, poorly understood disease that has reached epidemic levels worldwide, with impact on multiple organ systems. Based upon 2011 statistics, nearly 26 million people in the United States are diabetic, with an additional 70 million classified as pre-diabetic (CDC Diabetes Fact Sheet, 2011). This epidemic rise in diabetes rates has no indication of reducing; on the contrary, evidence indicates that diabetes is on the rise in the young, with roughly 1 in 400 adolescents newly diagnosed with diabetes. There is no denying the link between diabetes and cardiac dysfunction, as diabetic cardio-myopathy is a well-known consequence of sustained diabetes (Kamalesh, 2007; Witteles and Fowler, 2008; Miki et al., 2012; Murarka and Movahed, 2010). Nearly 70% of diabetes-related deaths are linked to heart disease, with diabetics suffering a two- to four-fold greater death rate due to heart disease than non-diabetics (CDC Diabetes Fact Sheet, 2011). Despite these sobering clinical statistics, there is still little understanding of how diabetes impacts cardiac function. However, studies indicate that diabetes adversely affects many aspects necessary for proper cardiac function, including cardiomyocyte metabolism, pro-survival signaling and calcium handling, and also induces vascular and cardiac fibrosis (Kamalesh, 2007; Kota et al., 2011; Law et al., 2012; Ban and Twigg, 2008; Wold et al., 2005; Wold et al., 2012). In this special issue of Life Sciences, we present a collection of mini-reviews and original research articles by leading experts in the field focused on diabetic cardiac dysfunction.
机译:糖尿病是一种复杂的,鲜为人知的疾病,已在世界范围内达到流行病的水平,并影响了多个器官系统。根据2011年的统计数据,美国有近2600万人患有糖尿病,另有7000万人被归类为糖尿病前期患者(CDC糖尿病情况说明书,2011年)。糖尿病发病率的这种上升并没有减少的迹象。相反,有证据表明,糖尿病在年轻人中呈上升趋势,大约每400名青少年中就有1名被诊断出患有糖尿病。无可否认,糖尿病与心脏功能障碍之间存在联系,因为糖尿病性心肌病是持续性糖尿病的众所周知的后果(Kamalesh,2007; Witteles和Fowler,2008; Miki等,2012; Murarka和Movahed,2010)。 。将近70%的与糖尿病相关的死亡与心脏病有关,与非糖尿病患者相比,糖尿病患者因心脏病而导致的死亡率要高2到4倍(CDC糖尿病情况说明书,2011)。尽管这些统计数据令人震惊,但对糖尿病如何影响心脏功能仍然知之甚少。然而,研究表明,糖尿病会影响正常心脏功能所必需的许多方面,包括心肌细胞代谢,促存活信号和钙处理,并且还会诱发血管和心脏纤维化(Kamalesh,2007; Kota等,2011; Law等) (2012); Ban and Twigg,2008; Wold等,2005; Wold等,2012)。在生命科学的这一期特刊中,我们提供了由糖尿病心脏功能障碍领域的领先专家撰写的一些小型综述和原创研究文章。



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