首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine >Effect of Heliogeophysical and Atmospheric Factors on the Degree of Synchronization of Ultradian Rhythms of Body Temperature in Mice

Effect of Heliogeophysical and Atmospheric Factors on the Degree of Synchronization of Ultradian Rhythms of Body Temperature in Mice


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In a long-term (8 months) study, we examined the degree of synchronization of ultradian body temperature oscillations of two isolated groups of mice kept under constant dim illumination. In most cases, the periods of increased activity accompanied by rapid elevation of body temperature coincided in these groups of mice, but in some days, no significant synchronization between the examined parameters was observed. Analysis of the effects of environmental factors on the degree of synchronization of ultradian rhythms in mice revealed association of this parameter with the dynamics of atmospheric pressure (AtmP) and to a lesser extent with the vertical component of interplanetary magnetic field Bz. The loss in synchronicity of ultradian rhythms of mouse activity occurred after a rapid drop of AtmP or during pronounced negative Bz. Therefore, these factors can be viewed as desynchronizers of the biological ultradian rhythms.



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