首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing >Built-up area detection based on a Bayesian saliency model

Built-up area detection based on a Bayesian saliency model


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Built-up area detection is very important for applications such as urban planning, urban growth detection and land use monitoring. In this paper, we address the problem of buil-tup area detection from the perspective of visual saliency computation. Generally, areas containing buildings attract more attentions than forests, lands and other backgrounds. This paper explores a Bayesian saliency model to automatically detect urban areas. Firstly, prior probability is computed by using fast multi-scale edge distribution. Then the likelihood is obtained by modeling the distributions of color and orientation. Built-up areas are further detected by segmenting the final saliency map using Graph Cut algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can extract built-up area efficiently and accurately.
机译:建成区检测对于城市规划、城市增长检测和土地利用监测等应用非常重要。本文从视觉显著性计算的角度解决了建筑面积检测问题。一般来说,包含建筑物的区域比森林、土地和其他背景更吸引注意力。本文探讨了一种贝叶斯显著性模型,用于自动检测城市地区。首先,利用快速多尺度边分布计算先验概率;然后通过对颜色和方向的分布进行建模来获得似然。通过使用 Graph Cut 算法对最终显著性图进行分割,可以进一步检测建成区域。实验结果表明,所提方法能够高效、准确地提取建筑面积。



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