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Intensity cultivation induced effects on soil organic carbon dynamic in the western cotton area of Burkina Faso


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The soil organic carbon(SOC)dynamic is a key element of soil fertility in savannah ecosystems that form the key agricultural lands in sub-Saharan Africa.In the western part of Burkina Faso,the land use is mostly linked to cotton-based cropping systems.Use of mechanization,pesticides,and herbicides has induced modifications of the traditional shifting cultivation and increased the need for sustainable soil fertility management.The SOC dynamic was assessed based on a large typology of land cultivation intensity at Bondoukui.Thus,102 farm plots were sampled at a soil depth of 0-15 cm,considering field-fallow successions,the cultivation phase duration,tillage intensity,and soil texture.Physical fractionation of SOC was carried out by separating the following particle size classes: 2,000-200,200-50,50-20,and 0-20 mu rn.The results exhibited an increase in SOC stock,and a lower depletion rate with increase in clay content.After a long-term fallow period,the land cultivation led to an annual loss of 31.5 g m~(-2)(2%)of its organic carbon during the first 20 years.The different fractions of SOC content were affected by this depletion depending on cultivation intensity.The coarse SOC fraction(2,000-200 mu m)was the most depleted.The ploughing-in of organic matter(manure,crop residues)and the low frequency of the tillage system produced low soil carbon loss compared with annual ploughing.Human-induced disturbances(wildfire,overgrazing,fuel wood collection,decreasing fallow duration,increasing crop duration)in savannah land did not permit the SOC levels to reach those of the shifting cultivation system.
机译:土壤有机碳(SOC)动态是构成撒哈拉以南非洲主要农业用地的热带草原生态系统中土壤肥力的关键要素。在布基纳法索西部,土地利用主要与棉花种植系统相关机械化,杀虫剂和除草剂的使用引起了传统轮作的改良,并增加了对土壤肥力进行可持续管理的能力。根据邦多库伊土地耕种强度的大分类对SOC动态进行了评估,因此共有102个农田在0-15 cm的土壤深度进行采样,考虑田间耕作演替,耕作阶段的持续时间,耕作强度和土壤质地。SOC的物理分级是通过分离以下粒度等级进行的:2,000-200,200-50, 50-20和0-20亩。结果显示,随着粘土含量的增加,SOC储量增加,枯竭率降低。经过长期休耕期后,土地耕种导致每年在最初的20年中有机碳损失了31.5 gm〜(-2)(2%)。不同的SOC含量分数受耕种强度的影响而受到影响。粗SOC分数(2,000-200μm)与年度耕作相比,有机物(肥料,农作物残留物)的耕作和耕作系统的低频率产生了较低的土壤碳损失。人为干扰(野火,过度放牧,薪柴收集,减少)萨凡纳土地的休耕期,增加农作物的耕作期)无法使SOC水平达到轮换耕作制度下的水平。



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