首页> 外文期刊>journal of clinical and diagnostic research >Multicystic Left Kidney and Contralateral Pelvic Kidney with Ectopic Ureter and Renal Failure in a Young Male: A Rare Association

Multicystic Left Kidney and Contralateral Pelvic Kidney with Ectopic Ureter and Renal Failure in a Young Male: A Rare Association


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Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney (MCDK) is a relatively common cystic disease of kidney which may be associated with various urogenital abnormalities. Here, authors encountered a case of 16-year-old male who presented with left side abdominal pain and lump. On evaluation, he was found to be growth-retarded with chronic renal failure. Imaging studies revealed left MCDK with contralateral pelvic kidney with ectopic ureter opening in prostatic urethra. This patient also had calculus in right ectopic ureter near its opening in prostatic urethra. The calculus was surgically removed; however, he required dialysis as there was no improvement in renal function. This conglomeration of anomalies is extremely rare and a dilemma exists not only in diagnosis but also in therapeutic decision making. Every case of MCDK or ectopic ureter should be further investigated to detect associated abnormalities, for timely management.
机译:多囊性发育不良肾(MCDK)是一种比较常见的肾囊性疾病,可能与各种泌尿生殖系统异常有关。在这里,作者遇到了一例 16 岁男性,他表现为左侧腹痛和肿块。经评估,发现他生长迟缓,伴有慢性肾功能衰竭。影像学检查显示左侧 MCDK 伴对侧盆腔肾,前列腺尿道中出现异位输尿管开口。该患者在前列腺尿道开口附近的右侧异位输尿管也有结石。手术切除了牙结石;然而,由于肾功能没有改善,他需要透析。这种异常的聚集极为罕见,不仅在诊断中,而且在治疗决策中都存在两难境地。每例 MCDK 或异位输尿管都应进一步检查,以发现相关异常,以便及时处理。



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