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Current methods for producing genetically modified animals for scientific research can be imprecise and time-consuming, and modification of many animal species is simply not possible. A new and improved method for genetic modification, relying on a special type of cell that can be used instead of sperm to artificially fertilize an egg, has now been introduced.Jinsong Li and researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai, China) created haploid embryonic stem cells (haESCs) by removing the nucleus from egg cells and injecting them with sperm. The cells have only the genetic material of the sperm, and therefore have only one copy of each gene, but unlike sperm cells, they are able to divide and replicate. The scientists injected these cells into new egg cells, mimicking the natural fertilization process that occurs when sperm infiltrates an egg and resulting in a blastocyst consisting of cells that combine the genetic material of the egg and the haESC. The researchers confirmed that when this type of blastocyst is transferred into the uterus of a female mouse, it is able to develop into a healthy mouse (Celt 149, 605-617; 2012).
机译:目前用于科学研究的生产转基因动物的方法可能不精确且耗时,而且根本不可能对许多动物进行修饰。现在介绍了一种新的改进的遗传修饰方法,该方法依靠一种可以用来代替精子的特殊类型的细胞来人工使卵子受精。李金松和中国科学院的研究人员(中国上海)单倍体胚胎干细胞(haESCs),方法是从卵细胞中去除细胞核,然后向它们注射精子。这些细胞仅具有精子的遗传物质,因此每个基因只有一个拷贝,但是与精子细胞不同,它们能够分裂和复制。科学家将这些细胞注射到新的卵细胞中,模仿了精子浸入卵时发生的自然受精过程,并产生了由结合了卵和haESC遗传物质的细胞组成的胚泡。研究人员证实,当这种类型的胚泡转移到雌性小鼠的子宫中时,它能够发育成健康的小鼠(Celt 149,605-617; 2012)。



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