首页> 外文期刊>journal of clinical and diagnostic research >A Rare Case of Mandibular Exostoses and its Review

A Rare Case of Mandibular Exostoses and its Review


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Mandibular exostosis is a type of bony prominence caused due to hyperostosis in the mandibular bone. They are benign, broad-based surface masses on the outer or facial aspect of the jaw bones; slowly enlarge over the years to form the bulky masses. During the period between the 10th to 13th week of intrauterine life, changes in the structure of the Meckel’s cartilage and the protrusion of the medial lamina of the mandible onto the cartilage can result in the formation of such exostosis. We discuss here a very rare case of a 49-year-old male, in which the buccal exostoses formed underwent changes in size and shape due to certain factors, resulting in a bony bar formation in the mandibular anterior region.
机译:下颌骨外生骨疣是下颌骨骨质增生引起的一种骨突起。它们是位于颌骨外侧或面部的良性、宽基表面肿块;多年来慢慢扩大,形成笨重的团块。在宫内生命的第 10 至 13 周期间,Meckels 软骨结构的变化和下颌骨内侧层在软骨上的突出可导致这种外生骨疣的形成。我们在这里讨论一个非常罕见的 49 岁男性病例,其中形成的颊外生骨疣由于某些因素而发生了大小和形状的变化,导致下颌前部区域形成骨条。



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