首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Journal of Physics >Hybrid silver nanowires/nanogold particles film for a Cu(In, Ga)Se-2 thin film solar cell

Hybrid silver nanowires/nanogold particles film for a Cu(In, Ga)Se-2 thin film solar cell


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The objective of this study was to examine the application of hybrid Ag nanowire/Au nanoparticle (HAA) films in the Cu(In, Ga)Se-2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells. The results show that 100 degrees C is an adequate drying temperature for the HAA film. Using an HAA film results in a higher Jsc than that obtained using an indium tin oxide (ITO) film, but also results in a lower Voc value. The higher Jsc of the HAA film is likely due to the fact that its higher surface roughness facilitates photon absorption. SEM images revealed that the Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) become embedded in the CdS or i-ZnO layer, which can cause a short circuit in the i-ZnO interface and thereby result in a lower Voc. The use of the HAA film and ITO film as the window layer resulted in a device efficiency of 10.29 and 10.18, respectively. (C) 2017 The Physical Society of the Republic of China(Taiwan). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本研究的目的是探讨杂化银纳米线/金纳米颗粒(HAA)薄膜在Cu(In,Ga)Se-2(CIGS)薄膜太阳能电池中的应用。结果表明,100°C是HAA薄膜的适当干燥温度。使用HAA薄膜产生的Jsc比使用氧化铟锡(ITO)薄膜获得的Jsc更高,但也会导致更低的Voc值。HAA薄膜的Jsc较高可能是由于其较高的表面粗糙度有利于光子吸收。SEM图像显示,Au纳米颗粒(AuNPs)嵌入CdS或i-ZnO层,这会导致i-ZnO界面短路,从而导致Voc降低。使用HAA薄膜和ITO薄膜作为窗口层,器件效率分别为10.29%和10.18%。(C) 2017 中华民国(台湾)物理学会.由以下开发商制作:Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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