首页> 外文期刊>American journal of otolaryngology >Efficacy of expansion pharyngoplasty and hypoglossal nerve stimulation in treating sleep apnea

Efficacy of expansion pharyngoplasty and hypoglossal nerve stimulation in treating sleep apnea


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? 2022Objective: We investigated whether a palatal conversion procedure combined with a second-stage hypoglossal nerve stimulator (HGNS) insertion can be beneficial for those patients who have a complete concentric velopharyngeal collapse and may initially not meet the criteria for use of HGNS. Methods: A retrospective chart review included all patients who underwent a planned multi-level sleep surgery including expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty (ESP) followed by HGNS. All patients had a complete concentric collapse (CCC) of the velopharynx (VP) on pre-intervention drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) and were initially not a candidate for HGNS. These patients then underwent ESP followed by a DISE to confirm elimination of the CCC of the VP. They then went on to HGNS implantation several months later followed by a sleep study. Results: A total of 20 patients were identified and included in the retrospective chart analysis. All patients who underwent ESP successfully converted their VP from CCC to an anterior-posterior collapse pattern and thus met inclusion criteria for HGNS. After the HGNS was implanted, patients showed a significant reduction of the mean AHI from 53.9 before ESP to 8.2 after ESP and HGNS and a decrease in the Epworth Sleep Score (ESS) from a mean of 13.3 to 5.7. Conclusion: ESP can be effective in eliminating the CCC of the VP thus making patients become HGNS candidates. In selected OSA patients, who have multilevel upper airway obstruction with complete concentric VP collapse, the combination of ESP and HGNS insertion should be considered as a planned 2-staged approach. Level of evidence: 4.
机译:?2022目的:我们研究了腭转换手术联合第二阶段舌下神经刺激器(HGNS)插入是否对那些完全同心腭咽塌陷且最初可能不符合HGNS使用标准的患者有益。方法:回顾性图表回顾纳入所有接受计划多节段睡眠手术的患者,包括扩张括约肌咽成形术 (ESP) 和 HGNS。所有患者在干预前药物诱导睡眠内窥镜检查 (DISE) 上均出现腭咽 (VP) 完全同心塌陷 (CCC),最初不适合 HGNS。然后,这些患者接受了 ESP,然后进行了 DISE,以确认 VP 的 CCC 消除。几个月后,他们继续进行HGNS植入,然后进行睡眠研究。结果:共鉴定出20例患者,纳入回顾性图表分析。所有接受 ESP 的患者都成功地将其 VP 从 CCC 转换为前后塌陷模式,从而符合 HGNS 的纳入标准。植入 HGNS 后,患者的平均 AHI 从 ESP 前的 53.9 显着降低到 ESP 和 HGNS 后的 8.2,Epworth 睡眠评分 (ESS) 从平均 13.3 降低到 5.7。结论:ESP可有效消除VP的CCC,使患者成为HGNS候选者。对于患有多节段上气道阻塞伴完全同心性 VP 塌陷的特定 OSA 患者,应考虑将 ESP 和 HGNS 插入联合作为计划的 2 期方法。证据等级:4。



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