首页> 外文期刊>journal of clinical and diagnostic research >Clinical Profile with Angiographic Correlation in Naïve Acute Coronary Syndrome

Clinical Profile with Angiographic Correlation in Naïve Acute Coronary Syndrome


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Introduction: Despite cardiovascular diseases having grown to epidemic proportions, there are few studies from India pertaining to Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), more so from the region of Purvanchal which is less developed with more poverty. Our study is first of its kind in this region of patients presenting for the first time with ACS.Aim: The present study was undertaken to study the clinical and angiographic characteristics of ACS patients of Purvanchal.Materials and Methods: This was a prospective cohort study of 100 patients admitted with ACS. Patients were excluded if they had prior cardiac pathology like valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathy, pericardial disease, cor pulmonale, ischaemic heart disease or cardiac revascularisation. Patients who did not undergo angiography were excluded. Patients were divided into ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) and non STEMI (NSTEMI). Presentation delays as well as clinical characteristics analysed in each group were age, gender, presence or absence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, smoking, Body Mass Index (BMI), family history, duration of chest pain, and treatment received.Results: Mean age of patients was 58.9 years with 27 below 50 years. Of the total 75 were males. Patients with STEMI were 65. Median time to reach hospital was 24 hours with only 27 patients reaching hospital within 6 hours. Among patients with STEMI only 43 received fibrinolytic therapy. 23 patients had diabetes, 21 were hypertensive, 16 were smokers, family history of cardiovascular disease present in 11 and 21 had body mass index more than 30. Mean LDL was 115mg/dl and HDL 39mg/dl with 54 of patients having at least one risk factor. Factors favouring triple vessel involvement were female sex, higher age, smoking, presence of diabetes and NSTEMI.Conclusion: Indians develop ACS at earlier age. Precious time is lost before seeking treatment. There is a need for aggressive risk factor modification which along with health awareness will be the key to prevent premature cases of ACS and limit morbidity and mortality due to delayed treatment.
机译:简介:尽管心血管疾病已经发展到流行病的程度,但印度关于急性冠脉综合征(ACS)的研究很少,来自Purvanchal地区的研究更是如此,该地区欠发达,贫困程度更高。我们的研究是首次在首次出现ACS的患者中进行的此类研究。目的:本研究旨在研究Purvanchal ACS患者的临床和血管造影特征。如果患者既往患有心脏瓣膜病、心肌病、心包疾病、肺心病、缺血性心脏病或心脏血运重建,则被排除在外。未接受血管造影的患者被排除在外。患者分为ST段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)和非STEMI(NSTEMI)。每组分析的就诊延迟和临床特征包括年龄、性别、是否存在糖尿病、高血压、血脂异常、吸烟、体重指数 (BMI)、家族史、胸痛持续时间和接受的治疗。结果:患者平均年龄为58.9岁,其中27%在50岁以下。其中75%是男性。STEMI患者为65%。到达医院的中位时间为 24 小时,只有 27% 的患者在 6 小时内到达医院。在STEMI患者中,只有43%接受了纤溶治疗。23%的患者患有糖尿病,21%患有高血压,16%的患者为吸烟者,11%的患者有心血管疾病家族史,21%的患者体重指数超过30。平均低密度脂蛋白为115mg/dl,高密度脂蛋白为39mg/dl,54%的患者至少有一个危险因素。支持三血管受累的因素是女性、年龄较大、吸烟、糖尿病和 NSTEMI 的存在。结论:印度人在较早的年龄患上ACS。在寻求治疗之前浪费了宝贵的时间。需要积极改变危险因素,这与健康意识一起将是预防ACS过早病例和限制因延迟治疗而导致的发病率和死亡率的关键。



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