首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Tribological Behavior of Poly(ether ether ketone)Composites Filled with Potassium Titanate Whiskers Sliding in Different Media

Tribological Behavior of Poly(ether ether ketone)Composites Filled with Potassium Titanate Whiskers Sliding in Different Media


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The friction and wear properties of poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) composites filled with potassium titanate whiskers (PTWs) under alkali, water, and dry conditions were investigated. The wear mechanisms indifferent lubrication situations were studied on the basis of examinations of the worn and counterpart surfaces with scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy.The results showed that PTWs could obviously increase the wear resistance and reduce the friction coefficient of the PEEK composites under dry sliding conditions. Onlywhen the PTW content was greater than 35 wt did the wear resistance and friction coefficient deteriorate. Sliding in water caused increases in the wear rate and friction coefficient of the PEEK composites, and the PTW-filled PEEK composites showed the highest friction coefficientand wear rate under this lubrication condition. On the contrary, sliding in an alkaline solution, the PTW-filled PEEK composites showed the lowest friction coefficient and almost the same level of wear resistance as that found under the dry condition. Furrows and abrasive wear were the main mechanisms for the PTW-filled PEEK compositessliding in water. The transfer onto the counterpart rings was significantly hindered with sliding under water and alkali conditions.
机译:研究了钛酸钛酸钾晶须填充聚醚醚醚酮(PEEK)复合材料在碱、水和干燥条件下的摩擦和磨损性能。在扫描电子显微镜和光学显微镜检查磨损表面和对应表面的基础上,研究了不同润滑情况下的磨损机理。结果表明,PTWs可以明显提高PEEK复合材料在干滑条件下的耐磨性,降低摩擦系数。只有当PTW含量大于35 wt %时,耐磨性和摩擦系数才会变差。在水中滑动导致PEEK复合材料的磨损速率和摩擦系数增加,PTW填充的PEEK复合材料在这种润滑条件下表现出最高的摩擦系数和磨损速率。相反,在碱性溶液中滑动时,PTW填充的PEEK复合材料表现出最低的摩擦系数和几乎相同的耐磨性水平。犁沟和磨料磨损是PTW填充PEEK复合材料在水中滑动的主要机理。在水和碱条件下滑动时,转移到对应环上会受到严重阻碍。



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