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Working the Dream


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Now showing: DreamWorks' ambitious plan to rule the world of animated movies. ROLL THE PREVIEWS OF MOV-ies that DreamWorks Animation plans to release in the coming months and years, and you'll see an impressive an ay of vastly different worlds it has imagined for the big screen. In "Madagascar," which arrives May 27, the cartoon animals travel from their Central Park Zoo home to lush jungles in Madagascar. "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit," set for release this fall, conjures up a pest-plagued working-class British neighborhood, Two years from now, the studio revisits the Kingdom of Far Far Away for the third installment of "Shrek." Then "Bee Movie" (starring Jerry Seinfeld, who's also writing and producing it) brings to life an anthropomorphized world of bees. By the end of the decade, DreamWorks animators will go back to a mythical time to tell the story of a kung fu-fighting panda.
机译:现在显示:梦工厂的雄心勃勃的计划,以统治动画电影的世界。滚动梦工厂动画公司计划在未来数月和数年内发布的电影预览,您会看到令人印象深刻的大屏幕幻想世界。在5月27日到达的“马达加斯加”中,这些卡通动物从中央公园动物园的家迁到马达加斯加茂密的丛林中。预定于今年秋天发行的《华莱士与格罗米特:兔子的诅咒》让人联想到一个饱受虫害困扰的工人阶级的英国邻里。两年后,该工作室第三次重访《遥远的王国》。怪物史莱克》然后,“蜜蜂电影”(由杰里·塞恩菲尔德(Jerry Seinfeld主演),他也正在创作和制作)使拟人化的蜜蜂世界栩栩如生。到本世纪末,梦工厂的动画师将回到一个神话般的时代,讲述一个功夫熊猫的故事。



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