首页> 外文期刊>journal of clinical and diagnostic research >Varicose Vein Trauma: A Risk for Pulmonary Embolism

Varicose Vein Trauma: A Risk for Pulmonary Embolism


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Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a deceptive condition which is often incorrectly diagnosed leading to high morbidity and mortality. We present a case where symptoms were localised to different areas of the body starting with post-traumatic pain over lower extremity varicosities that migrated sequentially over a month to the knee, hip, back, abdomen and chest finally presenting as syncope. Despite a low pre-test clinical probability, a very high index of suspicion led to a timely diagnosis of a massive bilateral PE that eventually caused a troponin leak. The aetiology is highly suspicious of a thrombus which originated in the veins of the leg due to trauma over varicose veins.The case described here exemplifies the importance of considering trauma to varicosities as a risk factor for embolism when the clinical picture is concerning but other signs and symptoms of PE are not apparent
机译:肺栓塞 (PE) 是一种欺骗性疾病,经常被错误诊断,导致高发病率和死亡率。我们提出了一个病例,其中症状局限于身体的不同部位,从下肢静脉曲张的创伤后疼痛开始,在一个多月的时间里依次迁移到膝盖、臀部、背部、腹部和胸部,最后表现为晕厥。尽管测试前的临床概率较低,但非常高的怀疑指数导致及时诊断为大面积双侧肺栓塞,最终导致肌钙蛋白泄漏。病因高度怀疑血栓起源于腿部静脉,这是由于静脉曲张的创伤所致。本文描述的病例说明了当临床表现令人担忧但 PE 的其他体征和症状不明显时,将静脉曲张创伤视为栓塞危险因素的重要性



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