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Extent of surgical therapy for rectal cancer. Standards and perspectives


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The spectrum of modern surgery for rectal cancer covers a range of different operations which should be differentially used following careful patient selection. Optimal surgery implies that a maximum level of oncological therapy is achieved without unnecessary morbidity, functional impairment or loss of quality of life. As a consequence "low risk" cancers should be treated by local excision to avoid undue morbidity even if a minimal risk of local recurrence must be accepted. Furthermore, sphincter preservation is possible if cancers are situated more than 1-2 cm above the dentate line in patients with normal continence so that an abdomino-perineal excision is only mandatory for tumors below this level. Most patients are operated on by anterior rectal resection and total mesorectal excision. It is currently under investigation whether partial mesorectal excision is sufficient for tumors in the upper third of the rectum. Optimal radical surgery for rectal cancer may also mean that multivisceral excision is necessary to achieve the R0 situation which represents a prerequisite for a possible long-term disease-free survival.
机译:现代直肠癌手术范围涵盖一系列不同的手术,应在仔细选择患者后进行差异化使用。最佳手术意味着达到最高水平的肿瘤治疗,而不会出现不必要的发病率、功能障碍或生活质量下降。因此,“低风险”癌症应通过局部切除治疗,以避免过度发病,即使必须接受局部复发的最小风险。此外,如果正常失禁患者的癌症位于齿状线上方 1-2 厘米以上,则括约肌保留是可能的,因此只有低于该水平的肿瘤才需要腹会阴切除术。大多数患者通过直肠前切除术和全直肠系膜切除术进行手术。目前正在研究部分直肠系膜切除术是否足以治疗直肠上三分之一的肿瘤。直肠癌的最佳根治性手术也可能意味着需要多脏器切除才能达到 R0 情况,这是可能长期无病生存的先决条件。



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