首页> 外文期刊>journal of clinical and diagnostic research >Molecular Characterisation of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in Nosocomial Infections: Challenges and Way Forward

Molecular Characterisation of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in Nosocomial Infections: Challenges and Way Forward


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Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (S. maltophilia), is an important rapidly emerging, opportunistic, non-fermenting Gram negative bacillus with high intrinsic resistance to drugs. It is one of the leading causative agents of nosocomial infections especially in the immunocompromised patients. Molecular typing of pathogens provides an important tool in epidemiological investigations involving nosocomial infections. Due to high geno-diversity, typing of S. maltophilia is challenging.Aim: The study was aimed to evaluate the best epidemiological tool to investigate clonal relatedness of S. maltophilia.Materials and Methods: A prospective study was conducted at a 2400 bedded tertiary care centre in southern India over a period of six months. Twenty-six isolates of S.maltophilia were obtained during the study period. Of these, 18 isolates from blood and Endotracheal Aspirates (ETA) cultures were included in the study since they were incriminated in causing nosocomial infection clinically for which appropriate treatment was initiated. These 18 clinical isolates of S. maltophilia were characterised to identify the clonality using Conventional Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). A subset of 9 S. maltophilia isolates were sequenced using IonTorrent PGM platform. Further phylogenetic analysis was inferred from core genome Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs).Results: Using conventional MLST, one isolate (S04384), was identified as belonging to sequence type 13 (ST13) whereas sequencing of the remaining 17 isolates could not be successfully done using MLST PCR even after several attempts. A subset of nine isolates from these 17 were subjected to sequencing using Ion Torrent PGM platform. Using MLST Finder tool on this platform, one isolate was found to belong to sequence type 15 (ST15). The remaining eight isolates were observed to have novel sequence types; four of which were assigned sequence types ST283, ST284, ST285 and ST286. The remaining four had Conclusion: Frequent recombination events in S. maltophilia genome make it difficult to identify the clonality based on MLST. From this study, SNPs based whole genome phylogeny was observed as better methodology to identify clonal relatedness among S. maltophilia.
机译:嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌(S. maltophilia)是一种重要的快速出现、机会性、非发酵革兰氏阴性杆菌,对药物具有高度的内在耐药性。它是院内感染的主要病原体之一,尤其是在免疫功能低下的患者中。病原体的分子分型为涉及院内感染的流行病学研究提供了重要工具。由于高基因多样性,嗜麦芽链球菌的分型具有挑战性。目的:该研究旨在评估调查嗜麦芽链球菌克隆相关性的最佳流行病学工具。材料和方法:在印度南部一个拥有 2400 个床位的三级护理中心进行了一项为期六个月的前瞻性研究。在研究期间获得了 26 株嗜麦芽链球菌分离株。其中,18 种来自血液和气管内抽吸物 (ETA) 培养物的分离株被纳入研究,因为它们在临床上被指控引起院内感染,并已开始适当的治疗。对这 18 株嗜麦芽链球菌临床分离株进行表征,以使用常规多位点序列分型 (MLST) 鉴定克隆性。使用 IonTorrent PGM 平台对 9 个嗜麦芽链球菌分离株的子集进行测序。从核心基因组单核苷酸多态性(SNP)推断出进一步的系统发育分析。结果:使用常规MLST,一个分离株(S04384)被鉴定为属于序列类型13(ST13),而其余17个分离株的测序即使经过多次尝试也无法使用MLST PCR成功完成。使用Ion Torrent PGM平台对这17个分离株中的9个分离株进行测序。在该平台上使用MLST Finder工具,发现一个分离株属于序列类型15(ST15)。观察到其余8个分离株具有新的序列类型;其中四个被分配了序列类型ST283、ST284、ST285和ST286。其余四个对mutM基因的相似性<50%。使用核心基因组SNPs研究了进一步的系统发育分析。他们揭示了所有这九个嗜麦芽链球菌分离株中的分叉和多分叉组。根据基于SNP的系统发育,它们都不属于同一克隆组。结论:嗜麦芽链球菌基因组重组事件频繁,难以基于MLST鉴定其克隆性。从这项研究中,观察到基于SNPs的全基因组系统发育是识别嗜麦芽链球菌克隆相关性的更好方法。



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