首页> 外文期刊>journal of clinical and diagnostic research >Modified Interim Mandibular Advancement (MIMA) Appliance for Symptomatic Correction of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Modified Interim Mandibular Advancement (MIMA) Appliance for Symptomatic Correction of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

机译:改良的临时下颌前移 (MIMA) 装置用于矫正阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停的症状

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a chronic, progressive, multifactorial, life-threatening disorder that causes significant impact on patient’s life. Patients with OSA Apnea/Hypopnea Index (AHI)>30 who cannot tolerate Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy or are not surgical candidates may benefit from oral appliances. This paper describes interim appliance devised from existing Hawley’s retainer in patients with OSA. A 38-year-old man of athletic built with history of orthodontic treatment six months back due to esthetic concerns and wearing upper Hawley’s retainer, reported with chief complaint of frequent nocturnal awakening along with excessive daytime somnolence. Based on diagnostic aids, he was diagnosed with Class II Division 1 malocclusion with severe mandibular retrusion. Sleep test revealed AHI score of 34, suggestive of severe OSA. With ENT and Oral surgeon concurrence, mandibular advancement of 7mm with Bilateral Sagital Split Osteotomy (BSSO) with distraction was contemplated as a viable functional and curative stable treatment plan. Because of non-adherence and non-compliance with CPAP therapy and on request of patient, an interim anterior positioning appliance was devised to facilitate comfortable sound sleep till the time surgery is impending. After three months of wearing this customized appliance, improved quality of sleep was discernible; both subjectively as reported by patient and objectively using sleep test (AHI=9.8).
机译:阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 (OSA) 是一种慢性、进行性、多因素、危及生命的疾病,对患者的生活造成重大影响。不能耐受持续气道正压通气 (CPAP) 治疗或不适合手术的 OSA [呼吸暂停/低通气指数 (AHI)>30] 患者可能受益于口腔矫治器。本文描述了从现有的 Hawleys 保持器中设计的用于 OSA 患者的临时矫治器。一名 38 岁的运动型男子,六个月前因美学问题和佩戴上霍利保持器而接受过正畸治疗史,主诉夜间频繁觉醒并伴有过度的白天嗜睡。根据诊断辅助工具,他被诊断为 II 级 1 级咬合不正伴重度下颌骨回压。睡眠测试显示 AHI 评分为 34,提示重度 OSA。在耳鼻喉科和口腔外科医生的同意下,双侧矢状剖面截骨术 (BSSO) 牵引下颌骨前移 7 毫米被认为是一种可行的功能和治疗稳定治疗计划。由于不依从和不依从CPAP治疗,并应患者的要求,设计了一种临时前位矫治器,以促进舒适的睡眠,直到手术即将到来。佩戴这种定制设备三个月后,睡眠质量明显改善;无论是患者主观报告还是客观使用睡眠测试 (AHI=9.8)。



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