首页> 外文期刊>New Forests >Allozyme variation and recent evolutionary history of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) in the southeastern United States

Allozyme variation and recent evolutionary history of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) in the southeastern United States

机译:美国东南部铁杉(Tsuga canadensis)的同工酶变异和近期进化史

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Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis [L.] Carr.) is a widespread and ecologically important conifer species of eastern North America that is threatened by the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand), a pest introduced into the United States from Asia in the 1920s. Information about the genetic composition of eastern hemlock is necessary to guide ex situ conservation efforts in the southeastern United States, where the species is expected to harbor relatively high amounts of genetic variation in areas of Pleistocene glacial refuge. Nineteen allozyme markers were used to quantify the genetic variation present in 20 eastern hemlock populations in the southeastern United States. Results indicate that the species has low levels of genetic diversity in the region compared to most other conifers, but greater population differentiation (F ST = 0.126). Populations along the eastern periphery and in the Appalachian interior exhibited higher levels of diversity than those along the western periphery of its geographic range. The results suggest that the glacial refuge area for eastern hemlock was likely located east of the southern Appalachian Mountains, and indicate that ex situ conservation seed collections should be concentrated in these areas of higher diversity.
机译:东部铁杉(Tsuga canadensis [L.] Carr。)是北美东部一种广泛且具有重要生态意义的针叶树种,受到铁杉羊毛adelgid(Adelges tsugae Annand)的威胁,该铁杉是1920年代从亚洲传入美国的一种有害生物。 。关于东铁杉的遗传组成的信息对于指导美国东南部的迁地保护工作很有必要,在美国东南部,该物种有望在更新世冰川避难所地区拥有相对大量的遗传变异。 19种同工酶标记用于量化美国东南部20个东部铁杉种群中存在的遗传变异。结果表明,与大多数其他针叶树相比,该物种在该地区的遗传多样性水平较低,但种群分化更大(F ST = 0.126)。东部边缘和阿巴拉契亚内部的人口比其地理范围的西部边缘的人口具有更高的多样性。结果表明,东部铁杉的冰川避难区可能位于阿巴拉契亚山脉南部,并表明非原生境保护种子的收集应集中在这些多样性较高的地区。



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