首页> 外文期刊>Health services management research: an official journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration >From volume to value: Improving peri-operative elective pathways through a roadmap from fast-track orthopedic surgery

From volume to value: Improving peri-operative elective pathways through a roadmap from fast-track orthopedic surgery


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Healthcare institutions face the pressure generated by modern medicine and society, in terms of increasing expectations and financial constraints. Chronic patients need multidisciplinary care pathways to preserve their wellbeing across the entire journey. The orthopaedic community has been particularly receptive in testing solutions to align good clinical outcomes and financial sustainability, given the increase in elective procedures provided among aging populations to alleviate pain and reduce disability. Fast-track (FT) total joint arthroplasty (TJA) and bundled payments (BPs) offer relevant examples both from the clinical and the financial perspective; however, they have not been evaluated in combination yet. The aim of this manuscript is to provide a road map to improve the value of high-volume, multidisciplinary elective procedures, with potential applications in a vast number of surgical specialties, (1) based on an integrated financial budget per episode of care (the BP), (2) building on lessons from a review of the literature on FT TJA. Although clinical outcomes vary from procedure to procedure, the coordination between the single treatments and providers involved across the patient journey; the commitment of patients and relatives; and the systematic adoption of patient-reported outcomes; can add further value for the benefit of patients, healthcare funders and providers, once essential clinical, financial and administrative conditions are guaranteed.
机译:医疗机构面临着现代医学和社会带来的压力,包括日益增长的期望和财务限制。慢性病患者需要多学科护理途径,以在整个旅程中保持健康。鉴于老龄化人口中为减轻疼痛和减少残疾而提供的择期手术有所增加,骨科界特别乐于测试解决方案,以调整良好的临床结果和财务可持续性。快速通道 (FT)、全关节置换术 (TJA) 和捆绑支付 (BP) 从临床和财务角度提供了相关示例;但是,它们尚未被组合评估。本手稿的目的是提供一个路线图,以提高大容量、多学科择期手术的价值,并可能在大量外科专业中得到应用,(1) 基于每次护理的综合财务预算 (BP),(2) 建立在对 FT TJA 文献回顾的经验教训之上。尽管临床结果因手术而异,但在整个患者旅程中,单一治疗和提供者之间的协调;患者和亲属的承诺;系统地采用患者报告的结果;一旦基本的临床、财务和行政条件得到保证,就可以为患者、医疗保健资助者和提供者的利益增加更多价值。



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