首页> 外文期刊>NDT & E International: Independent Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation >Coupled approach VIM-BEM for efficient modeling of ECT signal due to narrow cracks and volumetric flaws in planar layered media

Coupled approach VIM-BEM for efficient modeling of ECT signal due to narrow cracks and volumetric flaws in planar layered media


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Rapid and accurate modeling of Eddy Current Testing (ECT) signal is required in many industrial areas. For example, crack detection via ECT is widely employed in aeronautics and aerospace industry to inspect riveted planar multilayered structures. In these structures, small narrow cracks (e.g. micro-cracks) may initiate at the edge of rivet holes (which can be considered as large volumetric flaws) and propagate through the PMS. This paper proposes a new and efficient model, based on a coupled approach between Volume Integral Method (VIM) and Boundary Element Method (BEM), simulating ECT probe signals due to the presence of both narrow cracks located near volumetric flaws within a given PMS. Simulation results are compared with experimental and simulated signals obtained with a numerical code. The performance of the method, in terms of accuracy and computational time, is discussed and the perspectives opened are presented.



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