首页> 外文期刊>Microbiology >Phylogenetic distribution of the euryarchaeal archaellum regulator EarA and complementation of a Methanococcus maripaludis Delta earA mutant with heterologous earA homologues

Phylogenetic distribution of the euryarchaeal archaellum regulator EarA and complementation of a Methanococcus maripaludis Delta earA mutant with heterologous earA homologues


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Archaella are the swimming organelles in the Archaea. Recently, the first archaellum regulator in the Euryarchaeota, EarA(Mma), was identified in Methanococcus maripaludis, one of the model organisms used for archaellum studies. EarA(Mma) binds to 6 bp consensus sequences upstream of the fla promoter to activate the transcription of the fla operon, which encodes most of the proteins required for archaella synthesis. In this study, synteny analysis showed that earA homologues are widely distributed in the phylum of Euryarchaeota, with the notable exception of extreme halophiles. We classified Euryarchaeota species containing earA homologues into five classes based on the genomic location of the earA genes relative to fla and chemotaxis operons. EarA homologues from Methanococcus vannielii, Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus and Methanocaldococcus jannaschii successfully complemented the function of EarA(Mma) in a Delta earA(Mma) mutant, demonstrated by the restoration of FlaB2 expression in Western blot analysis and the appearance of archaella on the cell surface in complemented cells. Furthermore, the 6 bp consensus sequence was also found in the fla promoter region in these methanogens, indicating that the EarA homologues ly use a similar mechanism to activate transcription of the fla operons in their own hosts. Attempts to demonstrate complementation of the function of EarA(Mma) in a DearA(Mma) mutant by the EarA homologue of Pyrococcus furiosus were unsuccessful, despite the presence of a copy of the 6 bp consensus EarA-binding sequence upstream of the fla promoter in the P. furiosus genome.
机译:古细菌是古细菌中的游泳细胞器。最近,Euryarchaeota中的第一个古生物调节剂EarA(Mma)在用于古生物研究的模式生物之一Methanococcus maripaludis中被发现。EarA(Mma) 与 fla 启动子上游的 6 bp 共有序列结合,以激活 fla 操纵子的转录,该操纵子编码古细菌合成所需的大部分蛋白质。在这项研究中,同源分析表明,earA同系物广泛分布在Euryarchaeota门中,但极端嗜盐菌除外。我们根据earA基因相对于fla和趋化操纵子的基因组位置,将含有earA同源物的Euryarchaeota物种分为五类。来自 Methanococcus vannielii、Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus 和 Methanocaldococcus jannaschii 的 EarA 同系物成功地补充了 Delta earA(Mma) 突变体中 EarA(Mma) 的功能,这表现为蛋白质印迹分析中 FlaB2 表达的恢复和补体细胞细胞表面出现古藻。此外,在这些产甲烷菌的 fla 启动子区域也发现了 6 bp 的共识序列,表明 EarA 同系物使用类似的机制来激活其自身宿主中 fla 操纵子的转录。尽管在 P. furiosus 基因组中 fla 启动子上游存在 6 bp 共识 EarA 结合序列的拷贝,但试图证明 Pyrococcus furiosus 的 EarA 同源物对 DearA(Mma) 突变体中 EarA(Mma) 功能的互补并不成功。




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