首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pharmacy practice >Evaluation of a Pharmacist and Nurse Practitioner Smoking Cessation Program

Evaluation of a Pharmacist and Nurse Practitioner Smoking Cessation Program


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Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of a smoking cessation program led by a pharmacist and a nurse practitioner. Methods: During a 6-month period, patients attended 7 one-on-one face-to-face smoking cessation counseling sessions with a pharmacist and 1 to 2 one-on-one face-to-face smoking cessation counseling sessions with a nurse practitioner. The primary outcome was smoking cessation point prevalence rates at months 1, 3, and 5 post-quit date. Secondary outcomes included medication adherence rates at months 1, 3, and 5 post-quit date, nicotine dependence at baseline versus program end, and patient satisfaction. Results: Nine (47) of 19 total participants completed the program. Seven of the 9 patients who completed the program were smoke-free upon study completion. Point prevalence rates at months 1, 3, and 5 post-quit date were 66, 77, and 77, respectively, based on patients who completed the program. Medication adherence rates were 88.6, 54.6, and 75 at months 1, 3, and 5 post-quit date, respectively. Based on the Fagerstrom test, nicotine dependence decreased from baseline to the end of the study, 4.89 to 0.33 (P < .001). Overall, participants rated the program highly. Conclusion: A joint pharmacist and nurse practitioner smoking cessation program can assist patients in becoming smoke-free.
机译:目的:评估由药剂师和执业护士领导的戒烟计划的疗效。方法:在 6 个月的时间里,患者与药剂师一起参加了 7 次一对一面对面的戒烟咨询会议,并与执业护士进行了 1 至 2 次一对一的面对面戒烟咨询会议。主要结局是戒烟后第1、3和5个月的戒烟点流行率。次要结局包括戒烟后第1、3和5个月的药物依从率,基线与项目结束时的尼古丁依赖性,以及患者满意度。结果:19 名参与者中有 9 名 (47%) 完成了该计划。完成该计划的 9 名患者中有 7 名在研究完成后无烟。根据完成该计划的患者,戒烟后第 1、3 和 5 个月的点患病率分别为 66%、77% 和 77%。戒烟后第 1、3 和 5 个月的药物依从率分别为 88.6%、54.6% 和 75%。根据 Fagerstrom 测试,尼古丁依赖性从基线到研究结束时从 4.89 下降到 0.33 (P < 0.001)。总体而言,参与者对该计划给予了高度评价。结论:联合药剂师和执业护士戒烟计划可以帮助患者戒烟。



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