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Two sides of Merino magic


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With wool prices finally catching up to a red-hot sheepmeat market, Merino stud breeders say their determination to remain pure is now being vindicated. Goondiwindi stud sheep breeder and livestock producer Mark Murphy had a clear message for the Merino 2020 conference last month. It's not hard to be constructive with a pure Merino. But even he picked up a few pointers from his involvement with the Merino Validation Project (MVP), which he joined during 2003. He told conference delegates that the program gave him a better direction in what to look for in the sheep industry and how to get it in his own sheep. "When we went into the MVP, the meat side of the sheep industry was ruling the roost. "But the big issue for many producers was the lack of data about the overall performance of their stock. "The program ran for three years and after that some pulled out, but we didn't because we saw enough to encourage us to stick with it.
机译:随着羊毛价格终于赶上了炙手可热的羊肉市场,美利奴种羊饲养员表示,他们保持纯洁的决心现在得到了证明。 Goondiwindi育种家畜生产商Mark Murphy参加了上个月的美利奴2020会议。使用纯美利奴绵羊牌不难具有建设性。但是,即使他从参与2003年加入的美利奴验证计划(MVP)的过程中也获得了一些启示。他告诉与会代表,该计划为他提供了一个在绵羊产业中寻找什么以及如何寻找羊皮的更好的方向。把它放在自己的羊里。 “当我们进入MVP计划时,养羊业就占据了主导地位。”但是,对于许多生产者来说,最大的问题是缺乏有关其牲畜整体表现的数据。 “该计划运行了三年,然后撤出了一些计划,但是我们没有这样做,因为我们看到了足够的鼓励我们坚持下去的计划。



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