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Where to now for wheat exports?


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Almost two years after the single desk was abolished the Productivity Commission has consulted stakeholders and reviewed the operations of the new wheat export arrangements. Productivity Commissioner, Wendy Craik, explains the Commission's findings sofar. During July 2008, after 60 years, the 'single desk' for exporting Australian bulk wheat was abolished. Under the new Federal Wheat Export Marketing Act (WEMA), any exporter wishing to export bulk wheat could apply to Wheat Exports Australia (WEA) for accreditation to enable it to export. Bulk Handling Companies (BHCs) that also wished to export had to satisfy an additional port access test to gain accreditation. WEMA required the Productivity Commission (the Commission) to review the operation andeffectiveness of the transitional arrangements. In particular the Commission was asked to look at the role of WEA, the accreditation scheme, the access test, competition in the supply chain and the availability of market information.
机译:取消单一席位后将近两年,生产力委员会已经咨询了利益相关者,并审查了新的小麦出口安排的运作。生产力专员Wendy Craik解释了委员会的调查结果。在60年之后的2008年7月,废除了出口澳大利亚散装小麦的“单一柜台”。根据新的《联邦小麦出口营销法案》(WEMA),任何希望出口散装小麦的出口商都可以向澳大利亚小麦出口(WEA)申请认证,以使其能够出口。也希望出口的散货装卸公司(BHC)必须满足附加的港口准入测试才能获得认证。 WEMA要求生产力委员会(委员会)审查过渡性安排的运作和有效性。特别是要求委员会研究WEA的作用,认证计划,访问测试,供应链中的竞争以及市场信息的可用性。



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