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Placenta Accreta - Still a Dilemma

机译:植入性胎盘 - 仍然是一个困境



Objectives: To determine the etiological risk factors and outcomes of placenta accreta. Study Design: Descriptive study. Setting: Gynae Unit III Jinnah Hospital, Lahore. Duration of Study: Two years from 1st Sept 2009 to 31st Aug 2011. Materials and Methods: All the patients who pre-sented with suspected placenta previa, previous cesa-rean section or myomectomy scar and previous DC in OPD and emergency department were included in the study. Trans-abdominal ultrasound was carried out in all the patients when diagnosed or had suspicion of placenta accrete it was confirmed by color Doppler. MRI was carried out in those patients who had anterior placenta previa along with placenta accreta. Data regarding age, parity, booking status and previ-ous obstetric history were recorded and analyzed. Results: During the study period there were 9046 deliveries and 13 patients presented with placenta acc-reta giving the incidence of 1 in 695 deliveries. Majo-rity of all patients (84.61) with placenta accreta were between 31 – 35 years of age. Seventy seven percent were multi gravidae and 23 were grand multi gravi-dae. More than 2/3rd of the patients were booked. Forty six percent of the patients had previous 2 C/S, 38.5 had previous 3 C/S and 15.5 had H/O DC. In 77 placenta previa was present along with placenta acc-reta. All the patients with placenta accreta were opera-ted under General anaesthesia and had hysterectomy. There was no maternal deaths.Conclusion: Placenta accreta is an obstetric catastro-phe associated with high maternal and perinatal morbi-dity and mortality in developing countries. Antenatal care should be improved and all patients with previous C/S should have USG to diagnose placenta previa and accreta. This study showed a strong association of pla-centa accrete with previous C/S, placenta previa and previous DC.
机译:研究目的: 确定植入性胎盘的病因危险因素和结局。研究设计:描述性研究。地点:拉合尔真纳医院妇产科第三病房。学习时间:2009年9月1日至2011年8月31日,为期两年。材料和方法:所有疑似前置胎盘、既往剖腹产或子宫肌瘤切除术瘢痕以及既往在 OPD 和急诊科进行 D&C 的患者均纳入研究。当诊断或怀疑胎盘植入时,所有患者均进行经腹超声检查,通过彩色多普勒确诊。MRI在前置胎盘伴有植入性胎盘的患者中进行。记录和分析有关年龄、胎次、预订状态和既往产科病史的数据。结果:在研究期间,有 9046 例分娩和 13 例患者出现胎盘加速,发生率为 1/695 分娩。所有植入性胎盘患者(84.61%)的年龄在31-35岁之间。77%为多重妊娠,23%为大多重妊娠。超过2/3的患者被预订。46%的患者既往有2 C/S,38.5%有3 C/S,15.5%有H/O D&C。在77%的患者中,前置胎盘与胎盘(acc-reta)一起存在。所有植入性胎盘患者均在全身麻醉下进行手术并行子宫切除术。没有孕产妇死亡。结论:侵入性胎盘是一种产科灾难,在发展中国家与高孕产妇和围产期死亡率有关。应改善产前保健,所有既往有 C/S 的患者都应进行 USG 检查,以诊断前置胎盘和植入性胎盘。这项研究表明,pla-centa 增生与既往 C/S、前置胎盘和既往 D&C 有很强的关联。



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