首页> 外文期刊>Molecular simulation >Automated force field optimisation of small molecules using a gradient-based workflow package

Automated force field optimisation of small molecules using a gradient-based workflow package


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In this study, the recently developed gradient-based optimisation workflow for the automated development of molecular models is for the first time applied to the parameterisation of force fields for molecular dynamics simulations. As a proof-of-concept, two small molecules (benzene and phosgene) are considered. In order to optimise the underlying intermolecular force field (described by the (12,6)-Lennard-Jones and the Coulomb potential), the energetic and diameter parameters and are fitted to experimental physical properties by gradient-based numerical optimisation techniques. Thereby, a quadratic loss function between experimental and simulated target properties is minimised with respect to the force field parameters. In this proof-of-concept, the considered physical target properties are chosen to be diverse: density, enthalpy of vapourisation and self-diffusion coefficient are optimised simultaneously at different temperatures. We found that in both cases, the optimisation could be successfully concluded by fulfillment of a pre-defined stopping criterion. Since a fairly small number of iterations were needed to do so, this study will serve as a good starting point for more complex systems and further improvements of the parametrisation task.



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