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Ultrasonography of the thyroid and parathyroid gland


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Ultrasonography is the most important imaging tool in the diagnosis of thyroid disease. The results of real-time B-imaging of the thyroid gland along with physical signs and basal TSH can aid in the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction, of for instance, a small, hypoechogenic gland in Hashimoto's and radiation thyroiditis, or an enlarged, hypoechogenic and pulsating gland in Graves' disease. Although recent improvements in technology have increased sensitivity of colored duplexsonography, certain sonographic differentiation of benign and malignant lesions as well as of active (hormone secreting) and inactive nodules is not yet possible. Diagnostic interpretation of ultrasonographic findings is feasible only when the history of the patient, physical examination and the laboratory evaluation are taken into account. Ultrasound detects thyroid nodules, is useful for following nodule size, in guiding fine needle biopsies and in the aspiration of cysts. Highly experienced investigators in ultrasound can assist preoperatively in the localization of parathyroid adenomas in primary and tertiary hyperthyroidism (when followed by Tc-99m szintigraphy plus SPECT).
机译:超声检查是诊断甲状腺疾病最重要的成像工具。甲状腺的实时 B 成像结果以及身体体征和基础 TSH 可以帮助诊断甲状腺功能障碍,例如桥本氏症和放射性甲状腺炎中的小低回声腺体,或 Graves 病中的增大、低回声和搏动腺。尽管最近的技术进步提高了彩色多普勒超声检查的灵敏度,但尚无法对良性和恶性病变以及活动性(激素分泌)和非活动性结节进行某些超声鉴别。只有当考虑到患者的病史、体格检查和实验室评估时,超声检查结果的诊断解释才可行。超声检测甲状腺结节,有助于跟踪结节大小、引导细针活检和囊肿抽吸。经验丰富的超声研究人员可以在术前协助定位原发性和三期甲状腺功能亢进症的甲状旁腺腺瘤(随后进行 Tc-99m 扫描加 SPECT)。



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