首页> 外文期刊>emerging infectious diseases >Bartonella henselae in Porpoise Blood

Bartonella henselae in Porpoise Blood


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We report detection of Bartonella henselae DNA inblood samples from 2 harbor porpoises (Phocoena pho-coena). By using real-time polymerase chain reaction, wedirectly amplified Bartonella species DNA from blood of aharbor porpoise stranded along the northern North Carolinacoast and from a pre-enrichment blood culture from a sec-ond harbor porpoise. The second porpoise was capturedout of habitat (in a low-salinity canal along the northernNorth Carolina coast) and relocated back into the ocean.Subsequently, DNA was amplified by conventional poly-merase chain reaction for DNA sequencing. The 16S–23Sintergenic transcribed spacer region obtained from eachporpoise was 99.8 similar to that of B. henselae strainSan Antonio 2 (SA2), whereas both heme-binding phage-associated pap31 gene sequences were 100 homolo-gous to that of B. henselae SA2. Currently, the geographicdistribution, mode of transmission, reservoir potential, andpathogenicity of bloodborne Bartonella species in porpois-es have not been determined
机译:我们报告了从 2 只海豚 (Phocoena pho-coena) 的血液样本中检测到汉赛巴尔通体 DNA 样本。通过使用实时聚合酶链反应,我们直接从北卡罗来纳州北部海岸搁浅的海豚的血液和第二海豚的预富集血培养物中扩增了巴尔通体物种的DNA。第二只鼠海豚被捕获出栖息地(在北卡罗来纳州北部海岸的一条低盐度运河中),并重新迁回海洋。随后,通过常规聚聚酶链反应扩增DNA进行DNA测序。从每只鼠海豚获得的16S-23Sintergen转写间隔区与B. henselae strainSan Antonio 2 (SA2)的相似度为99.8%,而血红素结合噬菌体相关的pap31基因序列与B. henselae SA2的基因序列为100%。目前,血源性巴尔通体的地理分布、传播方式、宿主潜力和致病性尚未确定



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