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About One Approach to Using Dynamic Models to Build Digital Twins


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The modern stage of technology development is characterized by the emergence of newparadigms for the construction of anthropogenic systems, such as cyber-physical systems, sociocybernetic systems, etc. The task of data acquisition about the state of a multi-level system andmanaging the structure and behavior of a system consisting of many thousands of elements of different physical nature is a complex task. This article describes one of possible approaches to solving theproblem of data acquisition and management of the structure of a large-scale heterogeneous system.The proposed approach is based on the idea of using dynamic digital twins, which are dynamic models of the observed system. This approach was used for the development of systems in various subjectdomains, in particular, in production management systems built on the Industry 4.0 principle, in thedevelopment of a technical support system for cable television networks and in the development ofsupport systems for the construction of educational trajectories.



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