
Remote Control over the Internet?


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Software is now available which enables use of the Internet as a communication connection for controlling industrial machinery, offering benefits such as increased manufacturing flexibility and substantial savings in cost. Operators can change set-points, start and stop specific plant and see mimics of the machinery displayed in real-time. Remote monitoring via web-type browsers over closed networks or intranets is already widely used - particularly in remote or hazardous locations. Control over the Internet has not historically been so readily accepted. Software products are emerging onto the market, but as yet not widely used for control. The main reasons for this are Health & Safety, and Security. The Health & Safety issues of remote control will always be of concern. Operators can not see what is happening when they turn on a machine or open a sluice gate - personnel may be in the locality or there may be a risk of damage to plant or property. The Internet, by its nature, is not inherently secure. If a connection is lost after you have turned equipment on, would you be able to turn the equipment off? There is also a security risk in terms of allowing access to hackers. In successfully tackling these risks, companies can greatly benefit from incorporating monitoring and control using thin client technology such as Internet Explorer or Netscape. Security can be dealt with using standard IT hardware, software and infrastructures. Loss of connections can be dealt with using localised control systems. The developments in streaming data compression such as streaming MPEG and Video/VoiceOverIP (voip) mean that video and sound can often accompany the remote control actions so as to alleviate some of the safety concerns in lack of visibility. Internet control and monitoring software is being developed which is more rugged and robust with new products and revisions being released monthly. Security and network methods are being refined to enable this new technology to be used with minimum risk, through the use of secure firewalls and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) with smart id systems. The Internet is more accepted as a transport medium with public home and business usage now commonplace.
机译:现在有可用的软件,该软件可以将Internet用作控制工业机械的通信连接,并提供诸如提高制造灵活性和大量节省成本的好处。操作员可以更改设定点,启动和停止特定工厂,并实时查看所显示机械的模拟。通过网络型浏览器在封闭的网络或Intranet上进行远程监视已被广泛使用-特别是在远程或危险场所。从历史上看,对Internet的控制还没有那么容易接受。软件产品正在市场上出现,但尚未广泛用于控制。这样做的主要原因是健康与安全以及安全性。远程控制的健康与安全问题将始终令人关注。操作员打开机器或打开闸门时看不到正在发生的事情-人员可能在当地或存在损坏工厂或财产的风险。互联网从本质上来说并不是固有的安全性。如果在打开设备电源后丢失了连接,是否可以关闭设备电源?在允许访问黑客方面也存在安全风险。在成功应对这些风险中,公司可以通过使用瘦客户端技术(例如Internet Explorer或Netscape)整合监视和控制功能,从而从中受益匪浅。可以使用标准的IT硬件,软件和基础结构来处理安全性。连接丢失可以使用本地控制系统来解决。流数据压缩(例如流MPEG和Video / VoiceOverIP(voip))的发展意味着视频和声音通常可以伴随远程控制动作,从而减轻了缺乏可见性的一些安全隐患。正在开发Internet控制和监视软件,该软件更加坚固耐用,每月都会发布新产品和修订版本。通过将安全防火墙和智能ID系统与虚拟专用网络(VPN)结合使用,安全性和网络方法正在得到改进,以使这项新技术能够以最低的风险使用。互联网已被广泛接受为公共场所和商业用途的传输介质。



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