首页> 外文期刊>journal of clinical and diagnostic research >Submucosal Leiomyoma in a Woman with Post-menopausal Bleeding – Diagnostic Dilemma, Ultrasound vs MRI: A Case Report

Submucosal Leiomyoma in a Woman with Post-menopausal Bleeding – Diagnostic Dilemma, Ultrasound vs MRI: A Case Report

机译:绝经后出血女性的粘膜下平滑肌瘤——诊断困境,超声与 MRI:病例报告

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Introduction: We are reporting a case of submucosal leiomyoma in a post-menopausal women with a history of bleeding, which mimicked endometrial hyperplasia on ultrasound and was considered as a case of endometrial carcinoma. Case Presentation: A 44-year-old female who had attained menopause 04 yrs back, presented with on and off bleeding per vagina since one month. An ultrasound which was done outside our hospital, reported a markedly hypertrophied endometrium (24mm). She was not on any hormonal medications. Endometrial carcinoma was considered as a cause. Dilatation and curettage was done and the histopathology report showed atypical cells which were suggestive of malignancy. She was referred for MRI of the pelvis for further evaluation. The MRI was suggestive of a large, pedunculated, submucosal leiomyoma which protruded into the endometrium. A panhystrectomy was performed and the histopathology reports confirmed the leiomyoma. Conclusion: Ultrasound, as an initial modality of imaging, was not able to differentiate between the marked endometrial hypertrophy which was considered as endometrial carcinoma and the submucosal leiomyoma. MRI was helpful in reaching the diagnosis.
机译:简介:我们正在报告一例有出血史的绝经后妇女的粘膜下平滑肌瘤病例,该病例在超声上模仿子宫内膜增生,被认为是子宫内膜癌的病例。病例介绍:一名 44 岁女性,04 年前绝经,自 1 个月以来每阴道断断续续出血。在我们医院外进行的超声检查报告了子宫内膜明显肥大(24mm)。她没有服用任何激素药物。子宫内膜癌被认为是一个原因。进行了扩张和刮宫术,组织病理学报告显示提示恶性肿瘤的非典型细胞。她被转诊进行骨盆 MRI 检查以作进一步评估。MRI 提示一个大的、带蒂的、粘膜下平滑肌瘤,突出到子宫内膜。进行了全汗切除术,组织病理学报告证实了平滑肌瘤。结论:超声作为最初的影像学检查方式,无法区分明显的子宫内膜肥大(子宫内膜癌)和黏膜下平滑肌瘤。MRI有助于诊断。



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