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Methodological trends in structural biology


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Structural biology has witnessed tremendous developments from the dawn of the new millennium. Macromolecular crystallography, which since its foundation around the ‘50s of the twenties century has been the stronghold of the technique, has finally reached its full maturity, thanks to several major technical improvements: the building of third (and now forth) generation synchrotron sources and the use of very fast high-resolution detectors allow to collect an entire diffraction data set in a matter of seconds; thanks to the dramatic improvements of computing power, these data can be processed very quickly and often (despite not in all cases) the structure can be solved and refined in days or weeks; the phase problem, the major stumbling block towards a fully automatized solution of the structure, is still present, but it has been overcome in the vast majority of cases thanks to the use of various techniques, from molecular replacement to anomalous scattering 1–5. The only aspect in which developments have not kept pace is the crystallization process that, despite some significant improvements, still represents the greatest obstacle on the way towards a fast and fully automatized determination of the 3D structure of a macromolecule. Growing crystals can be in most cases a very long and painful process that often requires a significant amount of starting pure material 6.
机译:自新千年开始,结构生物学见证了巨大的发展。大分子晶体学自20世纪50年代左右成立以来一直是该技术的大本营,由于几项重大技术改进,它终于达到了完全成熟:第三代(现在是第四代)同步加速器源的建立和非常快速的高分辨率探测器的使用允许在几秒钟内收集整个衍射数据集;由于计算能力的显着提高,这些数据可以非常快速地处理,并且经常(尽管并非在所有情况下)可以在几天或几周内解决和完善结构;相位问题(相位问题)是实现结构全自动解决方案的主要绊脚石,仍然存在,但由于使用了从分子置换到异常散射的各种技术,在绝大多数情况下都克服了相位问题[1u20125]。唯一没有跟上发展步伐的方面是结晶过程,尽管有一些重大改进,但它仍然是快速和全自动测定大分子 3D 结构的最大障碍。在大多数情况下,晶体的生长可能是一个非常漫长而痛苦的过程,通常需要大量的起始纯材料[6]。



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