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Let G be a finite group. G is called a rational group or a Q-group if every complex irreduciblecharacter of G is rational valued. Equivalently G is a Q-group if and only if every x in G isconjugate to x "2, where m E N and (o(x), m) = 1. This means that for every x E G of ordern, we have Nc((x))/CG((x)) '1== Aut((x)), where Aut((x)) is a group of order (p(n) where coois the Euler function. The symmetric group Sri and the Weyl groups of complex Lie algebras areexamples of Q-groups 2. Q-groups have been studied extensively; but classifying finite Q-groupsis still an open research problem. It has been shown in 5 that if G is a solvable Q-group then7r(G) C {2, 3,5}, where 7r(G) denotes the set of prime divisors of 'GI. The structure of FrobeniusQ-groups have been described in 3. It is proved in 7 that if G is a solvable Q-group then itsSylow 5-subgroup is normal and elementary abelian.
机译:设 G 为有限群。如果 G 的每个复不可约特征都是有理值的,则 G 称为有理群或 Q 群。等效地,G 是 Q 群,当且仅当 G 中的每个 x 都与 x “2 共轭,其中 m E N 和 (o(x), m) = 1。这意味着对于每 x 个 E G 的 ordern,我们有 Nc((x))/CG((x)) '1== Aut((x)),其中 Aut((x)) 是一组有序 (p(n),其中 coois 欧拉函数。复李代数的对称群 Sri 和 Weyl 群是 Q 群的例子 [2]。Q 基团已被广泛研究;但对有限Q群进行分类仍然是一个开放的研究问题。在 [5] 中已经表明,如果 G 是可解的 Q 群,则 7r(G) C {2, 3,5},其中 7r(G) 表示 'GI 的素数数集。FrobeniusQ 基团的结构已在 [3] 中描述。在[7]中证明,如果G是可解的Q群,则其Sylow 5子群是正态和初等阿贝尔群。



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