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'Active labor' duration and dilation rates among low-risk, nulliparous women with spontaneous labor onset: a systematic review


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Introduction: Laboring women are often admitted to labor units under criteria that are commonly associated with the onset of active-phase labor (ie cervical dilatation of 3-5 cm in the presence of regular contractions). Beginning with these criteria through complete dilatation, this systematic review describes labor duration and cervical dilation rates among low-risk, nulliparous women with spontaneous labor onset. Methods; Studies published in English (between 1990 and 2008) were identified via MEDLINE and CINAHL searches. Data were abstracted and weighted 'active labor' durations (ie from 3-5cm through complete dilatation) and linear dilation rates were calculated. Results; Eighteen studies (n = 7009) reported mean 'active labor' duration. The weighted mean duration was 6.0 hours, and the calculated dilation rate was 1.2cm per hour. These findings closely parallel those found at the median. At the statistical limits, the weighted 'active labor' duration was 13.4 hours (mean + 2 standard deviations) and the dilation rate was 0.6cm per hour (mean - 2 standard deviations). Discussion: These findings indicate that nulliparous women with spontaneous labor onset have longer 'active' labors and therefore slower dilation rates than are traditionally associated with active labor when commonly used criteria are applied as the starting point. Revision of existing active labor expectations and/or criteria used to prospectively identify active phase onset is warranted.
机译:简介:劳动妇女通常根据活动期开始发作的标准(即在有规律性宫缩的情况下宫颈扩张3-5厘米)入院。从完全扩张的这些标准开始,本系统综述描述了自发分娩的低风险,无产妇的分娩时间和宫颈扩张率。方法;通过MEDLINE和CINAHL搜索确定了以英语发表的研究(1990年至2008年)。提取数据并加权“活动劳动”持续时间(即从3-5厘米到完全扩张),并计算线性扩张率。结果;十八项研究(n = 7009)报告了平均“积极劳动”持续时间。加权平均持续时间为6.0小时,计算出的扩张速度为每小时1.2厘米。这些发现与中位数的发现非常相似。在统计极限上,加权的“活跃劳动”持续时间为13.4小时(平均+ 2个标准差),扩张速度为每小时0.6厘米(平均-2个标准差)。讨论:这些发现表明,以常用标准为起点时,自发分娩的未产妇具有“主动”分娩的时间更长,因此散瞳率比传统上与主动分娩相关的慢。修订现有的积极劳动期望和/或用于前瞻性确定活跃期发作的标准是必要的。



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