首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions >Multivariate bias adjustment of high-dimensional climate simulations: the Rank Resampling for Distributions and Dependences (R2D2) bias correction

Multivariate bias adjustment of high-dimensional climate simulations: the Rank Resampling for Distributions and Dependences (R2D2) bias correction

机译:高维气候模拟的多变量偏差调整:分布和依赖性排名重采样 (R2D2) 偏差校正

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Climate simulations often suffer from statistical biases with respect to observations or reanalyses. It is therefore common to correct (or adjust) those simulations before using them as inputs into impact models. However, most bias correction (BC) methods are univariate and so do not account for the statistical dependences linking the different locations and/or physical variables of interest. In addition, they are often deterministic, and stochasticity is frequently needed to investigate climate uncertainty and to add constrained randomness to climate simulations that do not possess a realistic variability. This study presents a multivariate method of rank resampling for distributions and dependences (R2D2) bias correction allowing one to adjust not only the univariate distributions but also their inter-variable and inter-site dependence structures. Moreover, the proposed R2D2 method provides some stochasticity since it can generate as many multivariate corrected outputs as the number of statistical dimensions (i.e., number of grid cell  ×  number of climate variables) of the simulations to be corrected. It is based on an assumption of stability in time of the dependence structure – making it possible to deal with a high number of statistical dimensions – that lets the climate model drive the temporal properties and their changes in time. R2D2 is applied on temperature and precipitation reanalysis time series with respect to high-resolution reference data over the southeast of France (1506 grid cell). Bivariate, 1506-dimensional and 3012-dimensional versions of R2D2 are tested over a historical period and compared to a univariate BC. How the different BC methods behave in a climate change context is also illustrated with an application to regional climate simulations over the 2071–2100 period. The results indicate that the 1d-BC basically reproduces the climate model multivariate properties, 2d-R2D2 is only satisfying in the inter-variable context, 1506d-R2D2 strongly improves inter-site properties and 3012d-R2D2 is able to account for both. Applications of the proposed R2D2 method to various climate datasets are relevant for many impact studies. The perspectives of improvements are numerous, such as introducing stochasticity in the dependence itself, questioning its stability assumption, and accounting for temporal properties adjustment while including more physics in the adjustment procedures.
机译:气候模拟在观测或重新分析方面经常存在统计偏差。因此,在将这些模拟用作影响模型的输入之前,通常会对其进行校正(或调整)。然而,大多数偏差校正 (BC) 方法是单变量的,因此没有考虑将不同位置和/或感兴趣的物理变量联系起来的统计依赖性。此外,它们通常是确定性的,并且经常需要随机性来研究气候不确定性,并为不具有现实可变性的气候模拟添加约束随机性。本研究提出了一种分布和依赖性(R2D2)偏差校正的多变量秩重采样方法,不仅可以调整单变量分布,还可以调整其变量间和站点间依赖性结构。此外,所提出的 R2D2 方法提供了一定的随机性,因为它可以生成与要校正的模拟的统计维数(即网格像元数×气候变量数)一样多的多变量校正输出。它基于依赖结构在时间上的稳定性假设 - 使得处理大量统计维度成为可能 - 让气候模型驱动时间属性及其随时间的变化。R2D2 应用于与法国东南部(1506 网格单元)的高分辨率参考数据相关的温度和降水再分析时间序列。R2D2 的双变量、1506 维和 3012 维版本在历史时期内进行了测试,并与单变量 BC 进行了比较。在2071-2100年期间的区域气候模拟中,还说明了不同的BC方法在气候变化背景下的行为。结果表明,1d-BC基本再现了气候模式的多变量特性,2d-R2D2仅在变量间条件下得到满足,1506d-R2D2显著改善了站点间特性,3012d-R2D2能够同时满足两者。所提出的R2D2方法在各种气候数据集中的应用与许多影响研究有关。改进的观点很多,例如在依赖关系本身中引入随机性,质疑其稳定性假设,以及考虑时间属性调整,同时在调整过程中包含更多物理特性。



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