
Rangers' Ride


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Special Forces and their vehicles have always been especially appealing to me although anyone who models this genre knows just how hard it can be to find good references and information. The subjects are, after all, secret for much of their operational life and their users tend not to take too many pictures of them! The flipside of this however, is that Special Forces personnel and equipment allows you to build some of the coolest modelling subjects around. Browsing through some pages on the Internet one day I came across a four picture walk-round of a highly modified Mutt. Further investigation revealed this to be a Ranger M151 FAV, apparently a restored example. The thing was covered with weapons, everything from pistols and MP5s slung across the seats, to the big .50 Cal mounted to the roll cage. The pictures were so detailed (showing all four sides), that I just had to build one.
机译:特种部队及其车辆一直以来对我特别有吸引力,尽管模仿此类型的任何人都知道找到良好的参考资料和信息会非常困难。毕竟,这些对象在其大部分使用寿命中都是秘密的,其用户往往不会为它们拍照太多!但是,与此相反的是,特种部队的人员和设备使您可以围绕一些最酷的建模主题。有一天,我在互联网上浏览某些页面时,遇到了一个经过高度修饰的Mutt的四幅图像漫游。进一步的调查显示这是Ranger M151 FAV,显然是经过修复的示例。东西上覆盖着武器,从手枪和MP5悬挂在座位上,到安装在防滚架上的.50大卡枪等所有东西。图片是如此详细(显示所有四个方面),以至于我只需要构建一个。



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