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The final Marder III variant was based on the Panzer 38(t) Ausf. M (M standing for Mittelmotor: middle engine). It was armed with the 75 mm PaK 40 antitank gun. In this variant, the engine was moved from the rear to the centre of the vehicle between the driver and the rest of the crew. Thanks to that the fighting compartment could be lowered down onto floor level where the engine used to be. This decreased crew exposure, as well as visibility but ultimately increased protection. Unlike the previous two Marder Ills, the fighting compartment was closed at the rear protecting the crew although it stayed open-topped. In the previous two models, the commander served as a gunner. However in this version the radio operator was moved to the rear with the commander and gunner, serving as a loader increasing combat effectiveness. The Ausf. M was the variant produced in the largest numbers of all the tank hunters based on the 38(t) chassis.
机译:最终的Marder III变种基于Panzer 38(t)Ausf。 M(M代表Mittelmotor:中间引擎)。它配备了75毫米PaK 40反坦克炮。在这种变型中,发动机从驾驶员的后方到其他人员之间从车辆的后部移动到中心。因此,战斗室可以降低到发动机以前所在的楼层。这样减少了机组人员的曝光率和可见度,但最终增加了防护。与前两个Marder疾病不同,战斗室的后部是封闭的,尽管它保持顶部敞开,但可以保护船员。在之前的两个模型中,司令官担任枪手。但是,在此版本中,无线电操作员与指挥官和炮手一起被调至后方,作为装载机提高了战斗力。奥斯夫。在38(t)底盘的基础上,M是所有坦克猎人中数量最多的变种。



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